What's a great party food that kids can make?


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  • Jelly and custard from Asda – costs about 10p

  • Giant submarine sandwiches.

    Get a long board and line it with plastic wrap and foil.

    Arrange split french or italian bread on top with the ends removed until bread covers the board (however many feet you want to make it).

    Then get different kinds of deli cut meats and cheeses to put on it.

    The fun part is all the kids at the party can help make it.

    Then when it is done, let the kids line up holding the board with the sandwich anf take pictures of it.

    They will spend a long time smiling and talking about the 6 foot sandwich they made (longer than a person!!!)

    Have fun!

  • I just got done making some really fun cookie type things. I got the large pretzel rods and a bag of milk chocolate chips. Then get a couple of different kinds of candies, mini M&Ms, sprinkles, etc.

    Put out a large cookie sheet with waxed paper covering it. Put the candies in separate bowls with a spoon. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler on medium low heat, stir frequently. When the chocolate is melted and smooth, spoon the chocolate over one half of a pretzel to coat it well, gently shake off excess. Spoon the sprinkles to cover the chocolate and place on the waxed paper. If you use mini M&Ms, put them on a plate, it makes it easier to just roll the pretzel over the candies. Do it quickly and place on the waxed paper. When the tray is full pop it in the freezer for 5 minutes. Arrange them on a platter or in a vase type bowl. These are fun and great for the kids. Have younger ones do the decorating, if you have older ones they can do the chocolate covering.

  • It’s called puppy chow, you take milk chocolate morsals and creamy peanut butter and melt over low heat, the more the better. Then you take regular Chex Mix cereal and mix in with the chocolate, be careful when you stir it not to break all of the cereal up. Then you pour confectioners sugar into a small bowls with a lids, that the kids can hold. Then you dump the chocolately Chex Mix into the sugar. Put the lid on and let the children shake it all around until there is plenty of sugar stuck to the cereal pieces. Hope you enjoy it!

    Source(s): I have 1 and 2 year old nephews and we make this all the time!

  • When I was a kid there was one thing that I always loved making, and eating! (Heck, I still make it for parties sometimes!) Good Old Dirt! It is very easy to make and it is also fun! It it chocolate pudding, whipped cream, oreos, and gummy worms. I normally make two boxes of instant pudding, mix in one big thing of whipped cream then crush up a bag of oreos (I think this is the fun part of kids. Put the oreos into a ziplock bag and give them a rolling pin!) and mix them into the mix. To finish the “dirt” off, put in a few or a lot of gummy worms. I hope this helped!

  • well, kids like pizza. i found a simple personal pizza recipe that i sometimes make as a snack myself.


    English muffins

    tomato sauce

    cheese of your choice


    baking sheet.

    you also need Popsicle sticks to identify whose pizza is which. just place it on the pan next to them.

    i didn’t give the amounts because i don’t know how many kids are there, but its self explanatory.

    1. cut the English muffins in half

    2. let the kids dab tomato sauce, cheese, peperoni and to their liking.

    3. place on a baking sheet with a Popsicle stick with their name on it.

    4. place in the oven at 350 and cook for 10 minutes.

    you can sort of have a buffet for them. they can go down the line.

  • M+S have a nice selection of things that youngsters could experiment with. Try the mini pizza bases and give the kids some necessities like some tomatoes, ketchup and cheese but then let them make their choice of what else goes on them.

  • If you really want them to be involved, it has to be Cupcakes. Bake the cupcakes ahead of time. Their job is to decorate the cupcakes, and eat their own creativity.

    A less ambitious idea would be Chocolate Fondue. Prepare a pot of chocolate, and then prepare Cut Fruits, mashmallows, biscuits, or anything else they can dip into the Fondue Pot.

    Another idea, relatively Singaporean: Scoop ice cream and sandwich them in between bread. Might be a little messy, but it’s delicious and simple!

  • Pizza bagels. Get mini or regular size bagels, a plate and shredded cheese and a bowl of marinara sauce with a few spoons. If the kids like other toppings, supply those too.

  • Cheese and pineapple on sticks. Stick the sticks into an orange with the bottom cut off so it stays still with two glace cherries for eyes and you’ve got a hedgehog. Wrap the orange in tin foil first and you’ve got a space hedgehog!

  • Decorating sugar cookies is always fun. Provide the plain sugar cookies (already baked) and then whip up different color frostings, sprinkles, chocolate chips, colored sugars – FUN!

    Also, make your own banana splits are fun.

    Mini pizza are always great too. Already have the pizza crusts ready to go. Provide all sorts of toppings, and let them have at it.

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