What’s your favourite form of entertainment….?


  • Favorite Answer

    Answering your questions. Your welcome.

  • Listening To Great Music Live…


    True Love Will Never Fade…

    Have A Grouse Day Darling XOXOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXXOX ;P ♥

  • Gardening

    Pool at the pub

    Swing set at the park

    Electronic Fun – Music – Telly – Computer

    I want to Party with Robbie !!

    LOL !

  • Clown Rodeos

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  • Drinking some Vodka with Tank Dempsey.

  • Listening to music,

    Watching a film,

    Watching a show I like…

  • Sports.

  • Usually I would have to say music, but this morning it was watching an old granny attempting to pull out onto a busy dual carriageway in her car …laugh? I couldn’t see for the tears! xD

  • Television.

  • My mom and that i used to take excitement in going to the Symphony Orchestra, going to observe the Ballet as a baby, and through my youngster years, I loved playing the piano and beautiful in ice skating competitions. I also truly loved marching in our severe college band playing my flute. My mom believed in education me contained in the nice Arts. performs are truly some relaxing yet i have not considered one in years. that is perplexing for me to stroll round in a theatre seeing that i began having persistent low lower back and knee discomfort. yet my hubby and that i used to bypass see a play often times. Now, I take excitement in going to a sturdy action picture with my husband or observing our son play severe college football (see you later as my husband drops me off at the front enterance). existence is slower and less difficult lately.

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  • Strippers

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