When will global warming deniers accept the truth?

Surely the mass of evidence that now exists should put an end to this debate? Satellite data shows that global mean temperature is the same as it was in 1980. Land based records have also verified that temperatures have been declining since 22, despite increasing CO2 emissions.

Surely the debate is now over, global warming is not a man made phenomenon.


Richard the Physicist – Thanks for the contribution. June 29 may well have been the second warmest on record. Or perhaps it is an artefact of the way it was measured. I’m sure you are aware of the ongoing debate concerning the accuracy of land based measurement. Anyway, so what? Where is the proof that this is result of human activity and that we are in any way capable of controlling the earths temperature?


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  • Why do deniers think that people will believe them when they make false, unsubstantiated claims? Right now the planet is about 0.4°C warmer than it was in 1980.


    You see how I provided a link to the data supporting my claim? You might want to try it if you want anybody to believe what you’re saying. Except that since what you’re saying is wrong, I can understand why you just hope people blindly accept your lies.

    If you’re actually open-minded and interested in learning how we know humans are causing global warming – which, let’s face it, you’re obviously not – here is a summary of the scientific evidence.



  • There is NO proof that GW is a crisis. All of the arguments rest on correlations and IPCC computer models that don’t agree within a factor of ten.

    Correlations are not proof… Every morning, the bird sings and the comes up, therefore the bird causes the sun to rise…. Correlation, yep… Proof? NO.

  • Never denied Global Climate Charge just asked for proof it was man made (was call a moron by the believers in Gore Jr.)

  • Global warming as defined by the politicians does not exist. let’s see what happens in 25 to 50 years. It is purely political to have a reason to raise taxes

  • I understand global warming. And because of that, I know that the earth’s temperature has only risen 0.029 degrees F in the past century. Dang, it’s hot in here.


  • When the sealevel goes up a foot, call me. Until then, IDC about global warming.

  • Deniers can never answer the simple question: Why has the earth ALWAYS warmed and cooled….well before the first steam plant or automobile?

    It’s just what the earth does…otherwise how could the earth have gone in and out of ice ages?

    Source(s): common sense72

  • Here is some good info on that http://yowusa.com/radio/cttc/25/cttc-0205-32/1.s… if you want to talk about naysayers i suggest that you “scientists” take a good look at and then tell me who is in denial,


  • Honestly thanks to the general disposition of humanity it will take a huge calamity in order for the effects of global warming to suddenly make sense to those still in denial.

    Maybe not even then, some people still believe the holocaust was a fake.

  • Give me a call when NY city is under water, then I’ll believe it.

  • never ever Unless the world blows up between now and never

    Source(s): i am cool

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