when will my periods return to normal?

I had to come off the pill due to medical reasons,, I had a heavier than normal withdrawal bleed.. I’m now a few days late on my period and am really anxious about it.. when will my period return to normal, am imagining all sorts such as pregnancy even though haven’t had sex in 2 months.. Have done a test and its negative.. Is this normal for my period to become irregular???


✅ Answers

  • If you haven’t had sex in two months and you’ve taken a test, you probably have nothing to worry about. It is absolutely normal for your periods to be irregular when coming off the pill. I went as many as 8 days late before they regulated. And even after that they still don’t become as regular as they were on the pill for most women. Some are lucky and have regular cycles but most aren’t. But they should become more predictable in a few months, although i wouldn’t be worried about a “few days” that’s normal for all women to vary between about 1-4 days each month. If you want regular periods you’ll have to stay on the pill

  • Yes, this is normal. Your body is trying to regulate itself. If you already took a hpt then your most likely not pregnant. Wait about a month or so for your body to remove the hormones from the pill.

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