Where can i buy a heat lamp for a turtle?


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  • You should not be using “just” a heat lamp.
    You need a mercury vapour lamp set up as described below (assuming you have a freshwater turtle / slider / terrapin).
    If it is a box turtle or tortoise / land turtle you need to re-ask the question with more details…


    30% of your tank should be “dry land” for the turtle to dry-out, bask and get UV light.
    A large commercial basking area such as an Exo Terra Basking Bank works well in deep water. In shallow water, e.g. for Musk Turtles there is a danger of the baby turtle getting jammed under the Bank and drowning. There should be a 2” gap between the lower edge of the bank and the tank floor to prevent this happening.

    Exo Terra Turtle Bank

    Zoo Med Lamp Stand

    Day-time Ultra-Violet light, “normal” light and basking spot heat should be provided by a single 1 or 160 watt mercury vapour UV & Heat Lamp such as the Zoo Med PowerSun lamp. This should have the height adjusted so that the ground temperature directly under the lamp is 95ºF.
    The lamp should be on for 12 – 14 hours a day.
    Search with Google for “mercury vapour bulbs reptiles” to find a local stockist.

    Water temperature should be controlled by a water heater with a guard or specifically manufactured for turtles. These are usually pre-set to 75ºF.
    e.g. Exo Terra 50 watt Turtle Heater PT-3702
    If not, you need to adjust the wheel, screw etc. to 75ºF.

    Your turtle should be fed on a mixture of :
    Cooked shrimp
    Cooked fish (any)
    Fresh trout or salmon in worm-sized strips
    Lean beef in worm-sized strips
    ReptoMin turtle pellets ***
    Earthworms (nightcrawlers)
    Wax worms
    Defrosted shellfish sold as marine fish food
    Small snails
    Live crickets floating on the water surface

    Many older terrapins and turtles require significant quantities of green leafy matter. You can supply this from pond or aquarium plants / weeds and by romaine lettuce.

    You should also have a cuttlefish bone floating in the water as a supply of calcium and an aid to natural beak trimming.

    Twice a week dry the food with a paper towel and put 2 or 3 drops of liquid reptile vitamins on it …

    *** the pellets should be soaked in Fluker’s Liquid Calcium or calcium lactate solution or calcium borogluconate solution for 10 minutes prior to a feed.

    Download, save to disc and read this book for further information:


    You should NEVER feed live fish to turtles in captivity.
    Many live and dead raw fish and shrimps contain an enzyme – Thiaminaise – in their tissues which causes vitamin B1 deficiency and a premature death.
    for the scientific explanation.

    Cooking destroys the thiaminaise so you can feed ANY well cooked shrimps of fish to your turtle.


    As your turtle(s) get older you will find yourself doing very frequent water changes to reduce the smell and cloudiness of the water.
    Now is the time to think seriously about a filter !
    Aquarium filters are designed for fish, turtles produce a lot more waste so you are best using an External Canister Filter rated at 3-times the capacity of your actual tank.
    So, for a 55 gallon tank you need to get a filter for 160 gallons [minimum] to be effective.

    We find the FLUVAL brand mid-priced and very reliable over the past 5 years:

    You need to do a local internet search for stockists.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Hi Ellie
    Have you not consulted with the shop where you have bought the box which you keep the turtles in as they do sell the heat lamps as they tend to be infra red bulbs which give off mostly heat.

  • Try the hardware store. Incandescent bulbs are inefficient and produce much of their energy as heat. Just adjust the distance and reflector so that the basking area is about 90°F.

  • Where you bought the rest of your supplies?
    A pet store maybe?

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