Where can I buy snails for racing?

I am looking to organise a charity event that amongst other things includes a snail race, so could someone please let me know of the best place to buy snails as finding them is becoming quite the ordeal….. I need approximately 15, they don’t have to be all the same size, they just have to be alive so as that I can race them.

Thank-you in advance….



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  • from what i think go make a favor to your friends that will participate in that event and tell them to go catch some snails because every snail moves the same its just their size that can make them move faster they can’t be trained, but I suggest Go to a nearby Flower Garden shop who has a farm go and favor them to catch some snail for for a price.

  • Fastest snails on this side of the world… Born runners


  • this is weird but go do a garden with lots of plants and flowers ciuz in my garden there a like loads of them

    Source(s): my garden

  • pet stores, ebay, france… or the country side when it rains…

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