Where is a good place to buy a snake?

I want a ball python but alote of stores I do not like something about their snakes. Please help me find a snake that is cheap at a store or online


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  • Well, it depends entirely on where you live. Visit exotic pet stores nearby and ask about. Even if they don’t have ball pythons in store they may be able to order them in. Honestly, I find a lot of big-chain international pet stores to be of a worst quality than smaller ones. Don’t dismiss smaller pet stores – they often have the best buys.

    If all else fails, try joining a reptile forums. If you’re a UK buyer then ‘reptilesclassifed.co.uk’ is great. They also have options for American customers or people from any country that’s a part of the European union, but the UK seems to be the best market. You can place ads up whether you’re selling or buying.

    Another good one is reptileforums. They cover all countries and you can ask advice on there too. Depending on where you live or what kind of pet you want, you might want to look around. If those two don’t sound particularly good to you then just google ‘exotic pet stores ___’ and change the ___ to your country.

    And the final option is private sellers. Just type in ‘ball pythons for sale in ___’ and again, write your country or area. You’re bound to buy a few.

    Good luck!

    Ps. lovely choice. Ball pythons are great snakes.

    Source(s): I keep and breed many snakes, lizards, tarantulas and salamanders.

  • Get it cheap of an illegal breeder…got my anaconda from one of those! shame my family didnt get to see him grow up but they got strangled to death by him……there own fault though i mean everyone knows he’s got a temper….

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