Which Mac would serve as the best primary computer: A MacBook Air, or a MacBook Pro? (More info below)?

The ” MacBook Air would have GB of DDR MHz RAM, a GB SSD drive, and a . Dual-Core i processor. Costs approximately $,.

The ” MacBook Pro would have (upgraded from GB) GB of DDR MHz RAM, a (upgraded from GB HDD) GB SSD drive, and a . Dual-Core i processor. Costs approximately $, as well.

I will primarily use the laptop for word processing, video editing, powerpoints, and video watching. I may also do some casual/minor gaming on it as well. I will also be using Bootcamp in order to boot Windows from it as well as Mac OSX: Lion. In addition, I hope for the laptop to last a good – years without much deterioration in performance if possible. Price is not much of an issue, but I would like to get the most bang for my buck without buying things that are not needed (i.e. the extra GB HDD and GB of RAM I will be left with if I choose the Pro). Any opinions are welcome and I hope that people can share their experiences with these laptops as they will help me a great deal in deciding which one will fit my needs the most. Thank you!

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • The Macbook Pro. They are fast, not to heavy, easy to control, and are a great machine. I love them, and they are perfect for word processing, video editing, powerpoints, and video watching and minor gaming, there is a good enough space as well as macbooks have great video editing software included as well as great graphics. I Hope this helped

  • i offered the two the newly as much as date ” MacBook Air and the as much as date ” MacBook expert the day they have been presented at WWDC and released on the industry in June . After utilising the two machines element-via-section for a pair weeks now, i will say that the MacBook Air can provide state-of-the-paintings overall performance in if truth be told each and every understand to this way of degree that i’ve got basically approximately constantly stopped utilising my form new MacBook professional.

  • The new MacBook Airs feature the same MHz DDR RAM as the MacBook Pro line, though the cheapest -inch MacBook Air only features GB, while all the other MacBook Air models match the MacBook Pros by having GB as standard.

    The -inch MacBook Air is stated to offer up to five hours of battery life in real-word use, while the -inch MacBook and all of the MacBook Pro models are stated to offer up to seven hours of use.

    The new MacBook Airs feature two USB . ports, a headphone port, an SD card slot and a Thunderbolt port. This enables them to connect to the new Thunderbolt Display to add more I/O options.The -inch and -inch MacBook Pros both have two USB . ports, a FireWire port, Gigabit Ethernet, an audio line-out an SD card slot and a Thunderbolt port

    Source(s): http://wangur.notlong.com/

  • MacBook Pro.

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  • MacBook pro most definitely

  • I am giving you a complete and honest answer. MacBooks SUCK. never get one. They cost entirely too much and are not worth what you might pay. Go for something different. I would know, i kinda own one now. Find a better brand, just a heads up!

  • I think the Air would be better since it has higher resolution than the ” Pro.

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