Who was the MOST RECENT ancestor of the Queen Elizabeth II to be born on the island of Ceylon/Sri Lanka?

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  • I don’t think there have been any at all. All her ancestors were from central/western Europe.

  • the main recent ancestor of Queen Elizabeth II to be born on the island of eire develop into Richard Colley Wesley, later Lord Wellesley, st Marquess Wellesley, KG, laptop, laptop (Ire) (Born June in Co Meath – died September in London), styled Viscount Wellesley from beginning until . He develop right into a xgreat-grandfather of the Queen. Richard Colley Wesley (-) Anne Wellesley (-) Charles Cavendish-Bentinck (-) Nina Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck (-) Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (-) Queen Elizabeth II (- ) On her father’s edge Isabel de Clare, th Countess of Pembroke and the daughter of Strongbow (-), develop into born in in eire. She develop right into a xgreat-grandmother of the Queen. there is greater recent ones yet I even have not seen any. Aoife MacMurrough (–) Isabel de Clare, th Countess of Pembroke (-) Isabel Marshal (-) Isabella of Gloucester and Hertford (-) Robert de Brus, th Lord of Annandale (-) Robert I of Scotland (-) Marjorie Bruce (-) Robert II of Scotland (-) Robert III of Scotland (-) James I of Scotland (-) James II of Scotland (-) James III of Scotland (-) James IV of Scotland (-) James V of Scotland (-) Mary, Queen of Scots (-) James VI of Scotland /James I of britain (-) Elizabeth of Bohemia (-) Sophia of Hanover (-) George I (-) George II (-) Frederick, Prince of Wales (-) George III (-) Prince Edward, Duke of Kent (-) Victoria (-) Edward VII (-) George V (-) George VI (-) Elizabeth II (- )

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