Why are many Americans so fat?

How can people eat themselves to obesity? Is it because they can’t get full or something? is genetics the problem? are food products the problem? Is it lack of discipline? I only eat 1-2 meals each day and I don’t understand how people can be so hungry. I am American too, and I know some Americans aren’t fat, that’s why I said “many” and not “all.”


✅ Answers

  • It’s a lot of things. & 2 meals isn’t even healthy. The more meals you eat especially smaller are better for your metabolism. But I feel like a big percentage of our overweight issue is the food we eat. All the fatty garbage. Al the dairy and gluten and sugar just isn’t good for you. A lot of people don’t know when they’re full either or some people eat with their eyes( is that the right saying? lol) & a lot of lack of discipline also. So many kids are like trained to eat pancakes and bacon and McDonald’s and pizza and all the super fatty foods and to “hate” vegetables and fruit.

  • I honestly don’t know I’m American too and I don’t eat that much I only eat half a lunch and dinner. I think that Americans are stereotyped a lot so we think many are fat or obese. Personally I think a lot of the population of the WORLD is obese or fat not just Americans.

  • I believe the main problems are fast food, soda and lack of exercise. People don’t want to spend time to make meals. Most fast food is cheap. It’s fast to get. The food can get addicting. I am American as well. I’m not fat. I’m healthy. My dad was addicted to Pepsi for the longest time and became overweight.

    Source(s): Knowledge

  • Americans, eat a processed food diet, get very little exercise and in general lead a lazy relaxed life style. Look around restaurants, fast food places coffee shops convenience stores. We are eating a very poor diet which leads to all type of illness . Just think you gain three of four pounds for ten years and your 40 lbs overweight and physical wreck. Read up on it you will figure it out.

  • Starchy food. We get a lot of bread, hamburger buns, sweet and corn syrup infused stuff. It’s basically a diet problem… plus the fact that since most people own cars Americans don’t generally do a lot of walking.

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