Why can’t you get real news on American tv anymore?

It’s all about sensationalism, reporting inaccurate info without verifying sources, and people ranting about their personal beliefs and opinions.

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  • Answerer 1

    Well, like dramas or sitcoms, the news is NOT aired for free. The advertiser’s of products demand that the news ratings be exceptionally high, or they can’t sell enough popcorn. So, to ensure exceptionally high ratings, the news media do their level best to ensure every story is treated with an exceptionally high amount of sensationalism. This is why, when a “major Pacific storm” is due to slam into the Pacific Northwest, news stations send five camera teams. They want to be fully prepared to cover the story of the .25″ of rainfall and the 2mhp wind gusts. Yes, they have GOT to sell that popcorn.

  • Answerer 2

    Distraction and deliberate mis-direction in order to keep the focus off of the Gov’s increasingly insular, yet Authoritarian posture. Something’s up, and they don’t want the people ‘in the know!’

  • Answerer 3

    It is a false shill operation and cannot be trusted for anything. Watch INFOWARS.COM for real news!

  • Answerer 4

    News gathering organizations have been starved for cash by their corporate owners. Reporters are few and far between and the corporate masters are mostly MBA’s these days rather then ‘newsmen’. Most folks haven’t heard about our two wars in months because nobody is covering them. Iraq has totally dropped out of the picture, Afghanistan isn’t mentioned because no reporters are there to cover a trillion dollar withdrawal that’s more massive than the D-Day Invasion. Any news about corporate crookedness? No! Why? Because corporate reporting isn’t a priority unless it’s ‘good stuff’. Environmental problems? Sorry, nobody is covering that. What’s happening with the current drive to prevent people not aligned with the current GOP/Tea/Fox/Corporate/Jesus freak party from voting? Not on the radar. Corporate buy outs of an entire political party? How much cash did it take to create the GOP/Tea/Fox/Corporate/Jesus freak party? Who knows? The public sure will never know. Has anyone reported on the several dozen women now dead because of illegal abortions? Sorry, that’s not going to be on the ‘news’.

    When I was a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle our motto was….’What they conceal, we reveal’! Editor to reporter: “Get the story…the whole story! Names, dates, time and don’t leave out the who, what, where, when, why and how! I don’t care who it is, how well connected the bum is or where the dirty secret is hidden….get the story….and pictures! If you get dirt on Jesus #$%^ing Christ I want a thousand words before deadline. Nail it down with actual witnesses and the original documentation. And oh ,yeah….spell the words right, no passive sentences, put the noun close to the verb, and no more than two commas per sentence. Now get the #$%^ out of here and bring me something I can use for a change!”

    Of course newspapers are going the way of the buffalo, and TV News? Don’t make me laugh. CBS, ABC, NBC? A half hour on the air with seventeen minutes of it lead in, lead out, a #$%^ load of commericals and at least thee or four minutes of fluff stories. CNN…a bit better, but not much. MSNBC….editorials ‘based’ on the ‘news’. Fox? ALL right wing propaganda 24/7. Americans are the worst informed people on the planet next to those $%^&ing North Koreans.

  • Answerer 5

    Try Al-Jazeera on Current TV.

  • Answerer 6

    A better question is “Where can we get real journalists” Now in these days they are all given a play-book and only a box of gray crayons to try to color inside the guidelines of liberalism to qualify.

  • Answerer 7

    PBS or C-SPAN is the closest you will get.

  • Answerer 8

    I have stopped clicking on big media news outlets online, and haven’t watched any TV in more than a year. Basically I read few newspapers online and get a lot of info right here on Yahoo

    ✅ Answers


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