Why did my guinea pig died ?

So, this is my friend guinea pig that died.

My friend told me that she gave the guinea pig a bath, then put it outside on the balcony, thought that it was hot but it was actually quite cold. Then when she came back from school she found her guinea pig laying on it’s back not really moving. She also tried to feed it but it wouldn’t eat anything. She thought that maybe it just had a cold so she wrap it in a scarf to keep it warm. Then after she gave it human medicine with water, in the morning she seem to be better since she ate a piece of carrot. But then when she went home and took the guinea pig to the vet, the vet seem to not know what was wrong, the vet checked the temperature, it was 34. Then the vet gave it 3 pin that hurt ( idk what it is) but when she went back home it pee blood, slept on it’s back then died. What happen to her?

( sorry it’s so long, and this is all I know)


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  • First of all the guinea pig should never be put on the balcony after a bath. The poor thing probably became very cold and went into shock.

    Human medicine is far too strong for a guinea pig and would most likely be fatal for the guinea pig.

    As soon as it was not moving your friend should have taken the guinea pig to the vet. She left it too late.It also sounds like the vet was not trained in guinea pigs.

  • It sounds like it got ill from being wet and outside in the cold, like any animal would… only guinea pigs are smaller and more vulnerable. Then it was poisoned by human medicine. Vet could not have done anything, if they knew what your friend had done they prob would have said to put it down to save it from suffering at the end.

    Sounds like ur friend is not responsible or clever enough to have pets if she does stupid things like that!! Poor piggy!

  • Human medicine probably poisoned it, if not it was probably something to do with the bath Guinea pigs are supposed to be bathed a specific way on a regular basis.

  • worst thing to do was to give it human medicene!! never give an animal human medicene.

    putting a wet animal out in the cold probably made it very ill and the medicene probably did the worst especially if the vet didnt know, sorry :/

  • Seems like negligence on ur friends half and a little from the vet. Its ok just buy another

  • Could it have died of old age?

    Source(s): 2 Guinea pigs

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