Why did my two goldfish die?

I floated my new bag of 2 goldfish from the store in my tank and added water from my tank when I finally released my fish in my tank one of them started to lie down and stop swimming. Both of the fish ended up dead in two days I have a 10 gallon tank i need to know the problem ( this is a brand new tank) I also added water conditioner before releasing fish


✅ Answers

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  • Your tank was way too small for even one goldfish. Two goldfish should be in at least 75 gallons because they’re very dirty fish. They most likely got ammonia poisoning and suffocated themselves. Get them a bigger tank!

  • Your answer is in your question. Here are the key points.

    “2 goldfish”

    “I have a 10 gallon tank”

    “this is a brand new tank”

    A single fancy goldfish needs a 30 gallon tank with twice the filtration. A single common (long bodied) needs a 75 gallon with double the filtration. Tanks need to establish a Nitrogen Cycle to safely house fish, whereby toxins produced by the fish are constantly safely neutralized to less harmful products.

    Two goldfish placed in a tank with only 10 gallons of water and no cycling bacteria whatsoever will rapidly turn their own water toxic due to their high waste output. Their deaths are faster in a 10 gallon than let’s say, a 1 gallon because a 10 gallon allows for less room for toxin dilution.

    In other words, your goldfish dying on you in a matter of a day is normal if they are placed in a small, un-cycled tank.

    You need to read up on

    – Proper goldfish care

    – The Nitrogen Cycle

  • The most likely cause would be stress. Its not just about adding water conditioner to a tank. A tank should be cycled and the parameters of the water should be checked BEFORE you add fish. the sudden change in water conditions has stressed the fish out. It could have been many things. KH Temperature, PH, Nitrates, Chlorine, the list goes on…next time, cycle your tank, then take a sample of the water to your pet shop to test first. Then add your fish.

    Source(s): Experience

  • i’ve got have been given to believe Eleanor, there grew to become into probable something incorrect with the fantails earlier you delivered them homestead. except the atmosphere interior the tank is deadly poisonous i will’t see how their subject ought to become worse so straight away. it incredibly is probable not something you probably did and there may well be not something you’re able to do to maintain them at this factor. advise returning them to the shop for yet another set of fish or a reimbursement. yet whilst those 2 are unwell then its probably the excellent fantail inhabitants on the shop in that tank are contaminated. one difficulty I do whilst identifying on up a clean fish on the petshop is to choose one that is calling for meals alongside the backside or incorporates the exterior once you wave your quit the right of the tank. often, the hungry goldfish are the healthiest. considering the fact that those fish are in basic terms approximately constantly hungry a goldfish that has no interest in ingesting is a effective sign of difficulty.

  • Did you cycle your tank? This is the cause of the death of many fish. Here’s an informative link : http://www.fishlore.com/NitrogenCycle.htm

    Source(s): http://www.fishlore.com/NitrogenCycle.htm

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