Why do people expect one image to be relatable for all people?

Like how is that possible? There is no character that can relate to everyone. When you talk about race and then heroic figures in tv and comics people expect characters like Buffy and Superman and Xena the warrior princess no matter what color you are or class. But that’s not ture and it doesn’t work. Not everyone can relate to Xena and sometimes yeah it is a culture difference and it’s a sex difference. Why are we so afraid to say that we are different? I think we know we are different but for some reason we don’t want to admit it.

for example Superman. Not everyone could relate to him. Isn’t that why Wonder Woman was made because girls couldn’t relate to the boy comics? They needed someone to speak to them. So why should blacks just be expected to relate to the white characters when girls can’t relate to boys? Why should gays be expected to relate to this straight playboy Bruce Wayne. They need someone like Northstar (I apologize if he actual is a lame hero) or this new Green Lantern , or He-Man the most powerful man of the universe (though he never dated). Or a lesbian Batwoman for women.

So if we are aware of this then why do we want to dismiss it when someone comes out and says “I can’t relate cause this character is not like me.” And people get mad and tell them they should relate to them despite being so different from the reader or viewer. But if there were only male superheros and male lead shows then I bet a gang of women would speak out saying that they can’t relate and no one will say shut up and look pass their male genitals and relate to them as a person.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Interesting. I can’t relate to any of it because none of it is part of my life. Every person in this world is different in their own way.

  • Answerer 2

    You have got a point Breanna.

  • Answerer 3

    well said! I always say that “your reality is just that-YOUR reality.” do not expect anyone to accept the status quo because the status quo is inherently sexist,racist,heterosexist,and classist. that excludes a lot of people.

  • Answerer 4

    They try their best to have a character evryone can relate to or is above us. Tvs main goal is take you away from everyday life

  • Answerer 5

    You made a great point, I agree with you. And I have nothing more to say.

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