Why do people say "ATM Machine"?

The ‘M’ stands for ‘machine’ so, isn’t it redundant?


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  • That’s a very good question. Actually, it’s not redundant because people aren’t talking about “ATM”; they’re talking about an “ATM machine”… machines that MAKE ATMs. / (indicates a jump cut) Which, of course, isn’t a machine that you go and get money from; it’s the machine that MAKES the machine that you get money from. / Which, of course, is still inaccurate. / So the reason people call ATMs “ATM machines” is because they’re unbelievably stupid. / But for a totally different reason that you didn’t think about. / Don’t you feel like a selfish prick now? / I don’t.

  • Automated Teller Machine (cash machine)”

    Source(s): Internet

  • ATM for most people is ‘atee-em’ a name for a machine that gives money. So they add the ‘machine’ as the object with the name. It probably also feels nice to say it that way.

  • Automatic Teller Machine Machine.

    What’s wrong with that?

  • no hons its automated teller machines

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