Why do so called Christians “love” people to hell.?

Okay, so if Christians believe in hell, then how come the majority of modern day Christians only preach a gospel of love. They totally ignore the gospel of repentance, which Jesus Christ preached by the way…and the prophets preached. Interestingly enough, the prophets preached repentance. So you know what? Virtually no preacher ever preachers from the prophets or at least the main point of repentance from the prophets because repentance is offensive. It suggests that we are not inherently good…and people don’t want to hear that. They want to hear about how wonderful they are…and that there is nothing to worry about.

But, Christians usually believe that a heaven and a hell are real, while at the same time they contrarily refuse to tell people that they need to repent from their sins and turn to God. Why? Because it’s offensive. It’s not kind to insult people like that. It’s not kind to diagnose people of their sin and tell them that they are dying. It’s not sweet! It’s not loving!!!…..oh please.

It’s not love to never tell someone that they need to repent. It’s like hatred. You know what life is like and you know in whom to get it (Jesus Christ), but you don’t tell them that they are infected with sin, so that they can be cured with salvation.

If you are really a Christian, Jesus Christ didn’t tolerate you…so he changed you into a new creation. He didn’t leave you the same. So why do “so called Christians” leave people the same in the name of “love”

I bet if the Apostles were here, they would be disgusted with the first-world society view of love.

Any further thoughts?

I know this is offensive. But, Jesus offended the Jewish Temple authorities enough for them to “desire” that Jesus be crucified.

So yeah, any further thoughts from Christians…that actually “love” people.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Look, all I’m waiting for is for people to realize that religion is a primitive philosophy and for them to get over this whole god thing. It’s getting pretty annoying at this point.

  • Answerer 2



    What is Hades?

    Answer: Many people believe Hades is hell. Actually, with some, Hades is a euphemism for hell.

    Hades and hell are two different words. Hades has not been translated, only transliterated. Hades is found eleven times in the Greek New Testament. Out of the eleven occurrences, Hades is translated “grave” once and “hell” ten times in the King James Version. Hell is from the Greek geenna. Geenna is found twelve times and is consistently translated “hell” in most translations.

    Hades and hell are not the same. Geenna (hell), as used in the scriptures, denotes a place of eternal punishment. Jesus associates damnation with geenna (Matt. 23: 33). In fact, Jesus used geenna in such a say as to identify hell as the place of damnation (Ibid.). Hell (geenna) is the place of eternal punishment, “fire that never shall be quenched” and “… their worm dieth not” (Mk. 9: 43 ff.). Hades, on the other hand, should never be translated hell.

    Hades is the place of departed spirits. Jesus’ soul, when He was crucified, went to Hades (Acts 2: 27). The soul of the rich man also went to Hades (Luke 16: 23). Thayer defines Hades as, “The common receptacle of disembodied spirits” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon, pg. 11). As best we can determine, Hades includes “paradise” (Luke 23: 43) and probably tarturus (2 Pet. 2: 4). “Paradise” and “Abraham’s bosom” appear to be the same, a place of comfort for the saved with tarturus being the holding place of torment for the unsaved. These two areas are separated one from another (Luke 16: 26). Hades, consisting of paradise where Jesus went and tarturus, the place of torment, is temporary (Rev. 20: 12-15). After the Judgment Day, the saved will ultimately go to heaven and the unsaved to hell (geenna, Rev. 20: 12-15).




  • Answerer 3

    AMEN!! BROTHER IF YOU WOULD SEE MY QUESTION YOU WOULD KNOW I PREEACH TRUTH EVEN IF THEY DONT LIKE IT the mormons came knocking at my door today and i cut them with the word of god i read that bible to them i tell you i read revelation 22:18-19 it talks about adding or taking from the word which thats what joseph smith did one of them got offended but the other when i showed her and asked about why their bible contradicts our bible she would wonder so i know i touched her she was very atten god did not give us a spirit of Fear but of power and of love and a sound mind 2timothy1:7….the time is coming when we have to preach salvation ,repent but also diliverence

  • Answerer 4

    Because they do not want to offend people and do not believe what Jesus said. Personally, I LOVE the truth no matter how far I have to dig deep to get it. I studied on hell and listened to MANY testimonies. Unfortunately, HELL is a very REAL place. We are not doing ANYONE a favor by saying it is merely a grave. The bible in the KJV used the word GRAVE to refer to an actual grave. I will look for the verse if needed. We have gehhenna, outerdarknes, gehenna, lake of fire and others.

    They do not see Jesus aka God as also a GOD of being a consuming fire but also love. He is MERCIFUL as well as a million other things? Why? He is GOD ALMIGHTY

    We will have to give an account to God if we mislead people in false doctrine.

    Edit: Verses in the King James Bible where GRAVE is used.


  • Answerer 5

    I’m with John, it is a fantasy and u (they) are being brainwashed.

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