why do so many people get annoyed by women who ask "could i be pregnant?"in the pregnancy section?

every day it seems like i see someone on here complaining about women concerned if they are pregnant or not.they have never been pregnant before and dont know exactly what to expect,and they are in the right section asking..whats your take on it?


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  • Sometimes it doesn’t bother me and other times it does. lol. I guess it depends the wording of the question or if everyone just got off work and there’s 10 in a row! lol

    The main thing is…you HAVE to test or see your doctor.

    There’s no way to say “oh, yeah, cramps specificly relate to pregancy!”….can’t do it. For all we know your apendix could burst. Ok, ok, I know…not likely but, it could be your period.

    Nausous? Could be something you ate or you could be getting sick.

    Sore breasts? Could be normal growth spurt. It happens.

    Tired? Have you been stressed? Have you lost sleep lately?

    All the symptoms can be explained away and give reasonable doubt. So, for me when I wondered if I was pregnant I knew my symptoms could be explained away, but at the same time I had hope. You can’t really say you are until you see the + or hear the words.

    I guess that’s my take.

    Good luck!


  • It just gets old for those of use that are here all the time. It isn’t so much the people asking real questions. They have taken a test, got a negative, have the symptoms, and are asking women that might have had the same thing happen if they still could be pregnant. It is the questions that say things like

    “I had sex with my boyfriend 3 times two days ago. Unprotected. Today I have a headache, my boobs hurt and I puked…can I be pregnant?”

    I mean how are any of us going to be able to tell anyone if they are pregnant or not? It just clogs up the forum. There is only one answer “take a test”. They already know this. So it gets annoying seeing it over and over and over again.


  • Its annoying because all they need to do is take a simple test that costs as little as $1 and they will know if they are pregnant or not. Nobody on here can tell anyone if they are pregnant as no symptoms are exclusive to pregnancy. Tellinf me you have cramping, headaches and nausea does not mean you are pregnant…you could have eaten something bad or coming down with the flu or you could be pregnant…..how do you tell if its pregnancy? Take a test! I stopped opening those questions and answering because its a waste of time, but its still annoying when you come to the pregnancy section and every other question is “am I pregnant?” and the answer is “I dont know…you tell me!”

  • First of all women get annoyed when other women ask “am I pregnant” because we aren’t pregnancy test… We don’t say pee here ________ and we’ll get back with you in a couple days with the results. The symptoms half of them describe could also be caused by PMS. So honestly the ONLY way to tell is to get a pregnancy test done. Not come online and expect someone to be able to tell you if your pregnant. It’s annoying. How the hell should we know if their pregnant or not? Each pregnancy is different. So I could have sore boobs and no sex drive while another women boobs don’t bother her at all and she is always wanting to have sex. Or I could be having morning sickness while another women doesn’t ever experience it. SO I mean honestly what exactly do they expect us to do…Guess?

    Source(s): 25 weeks 2 days pregnant with twins….I know because I went to an OB like all pregnant women should do to FIND OUT IF THEY ARE PREGNANT not come on yahoo “am I pregnant” who the hell knows10

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  • Because if THEY don’t know how in the hell would we???? Of course there’s ALWAYS a chance you van be pregnant after unprotected sex…take an at home test or go to you dr to be tested its that easy and when there’s tons of people asking the same question every 5 minutes its hella annoying!! If they want to know that bad they can take a test and find out like the rest of us on here did its not that hard or expensive!!

  • I get irritated because there is an overabundance of idiotic questions. I’m relatively sure that most women know that when their period is late and they’ve had unprotected sex, then there is a chance that they could be pregnant. Asking if they are pregnant under these circumstances seems like a waste of other people’s time – obviously, no one on here will be able to tell for sure if they’re pregnant.

  • hmm i get annoyed when i come on and there are 15 questions one right after the other asking the same thing. its kind of ridiculous. But those I can skip over, its the ones that say, I masturbated last week, am i pregnant? or someone who labels their question Need Immediate Help! and all it says is: I had sex 2 weeks ago, now i have a swollen belly and sore nipples, could i be pregnant? its like yeah you could be…how would we know? get a test!!! lol! its ridiculous! plus when i see legitimate questions from women seeking help who are already pregnant, they get 2 maybe 3 answers. Women who come on here with the dumb questions or the Am I Preggo questions get 15-20!! Its unreal! Plus, I’m hormonal…shrug, thats my take on it anyway

    EDIT: see, youve already got 15+ answers, my question about going into labor hasnt had any…


  • because

    a) most people that ask this question don’t bother looking up answers to previous questions that would most likely solve their problem!!!! (the same questions are asked over and over and over and over and over again)

    b) NONE of us can tell if WE are pregnant without a “pee stick”, so how would be able to tell if some random person we’ve never met who lives GOD knows where is pregnant?

    c) its an ignorant question…if you are going to have unprotected sex then yes, you are likely to get pregnant….so either stop having unprotected sex or buy a whole lot of pregnancy tests.

    Yahoo answers is not a pregnancy test.

  • confident! i’m 5 weeks long previous and have began bleeding right this moment. those questions wind me up besides yet i’m now faraway from the temper to even look at those. I responded one the different day which replaced into, is my pal pregnant? She keeps being moody with me and he or she sometime is drained lol. and that i replaced into like how am i able to tell from THAT?! It feels like greater of a friendship concern than a ability being pregnant. i think of human beings purely could desire to settle down, wait and then take a try! i’m not a being pregnant psychic!

  • You know, it always seems to be the teenagers asking the questions about it as well.

    Do they not go to school any more?? Did they not get sex education at school.

    They should grow up and either learn how to use protection, or learn more about sex so they know EXACTLY what they are doing and when to AVOID having sex.

    Some people ask the most silliest questions too. Like, can I get pregnant if the penis did not enter me. <LOL>

    Yeah, if that were the case, all of us women would be preggy!!! 😉

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