Why do so many women exhibit narcissistic behaviour?







@ Jess – Nice straw man. This question is about WOMEN, not men. If you want to discuss narcissism in men, why don’t you ask your own question?


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  • a lot of women are insecure about a lot of things males don’t really care about. So when they finally put a lot of time and money into their looks, they want people to appreciate it. Cause I get asked by women “how do i look”. I never asked a female how do i look but once or twice in like a year.

  • It’s narcissistic, but it is mostly effortlessly impolite. Do not permit your mother to use her quandary as an excuse. As any just right psychologist will mean you can be aware of, a incapacity is below no occasions an excuse to do anything rude or improper, and she or he wants to have an understanding of that her doing this has made you consider betrayed and violated. She is most often now not competent to admire it hence of her narcissism, so help her attached her possess e mail and style of make a huge deal about the way it’s all about her, because narcissists can not relatively have an understanding of that the sector does no longer revolve circular them.

  • I’d find opposing sources and see the other side of the issue if I were you.

    Here are a few to get you started:


    ^This shows that men are more prone to narcissism for a lack of empathy

    Story in which the current narcissist and past narcissists were men:


    #3 on the list: http://www.businessinsider.com/20-traits-of-a-narc…

    The research I’ve found shows that men are the more narcissistic gender.

    Now we have dissonance. Which is right?

    Do more research before you make blanket statements next time, okay? Also, use credible sources, not ones with “miami night club girls” in the URL.

  • Well, because some women are narcissists. To be honest, I don’t see anything narcissistic about the links… The women are pretty, yes and look as if they know it. That is not really narcissism.

  • They don’t, people often mistake ‘attention seekers’ with Narcissists(they’re 2 very different things).

    The girls(because they’re not women yet) in your pics are looking for, and GETTING attention. So it’s simple desire, and reward.

  • I am a woman and i am kind of ashamed to admit to the fact that more than 2/3 of all anti-depressants are used by women. These medications have horrible side effects, i think it is something women got tricked into because we put our faith into doctors a little more than men..

  • Because women are more lovely than men.

  • No one knows why people have narcissistic or antisocial personality disorders but it is known more men have them.


  • because our society is geared towards creating narcissists, entire industries depend on it.

  • Attention whores.

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