Why do very young children bully?

My nephew is only 4 years old and he constantly gets bullied by other kids his age.
A little girl told him has ugly shoes and another boy called him a loser…

He is a very sweet little boy I was just wondering why other kids start bullying this early.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Childrens’ behaviour at school is a reflection of what they see at home. You’ll notice that they might be disrespectful to authority figures, as well as apathetic regarding their academic performance. Bad parenting and neglect are part of the equation.

    Saw this all the time at school.

  • Answerer 2

    young children are very primal in their actions and have to be taught empathy, sympathy, and about respecting other people. it used to be that parents started teaching basic manners very early. being rude was not tolerated as they are now. people today consider rude cute in small children. kids will be kids but parents have the duty to teach them about being good people and right from wrong.

  • Answerer 3

    That is not bullying. That is NORMAL interaction between kids. Not all interaction is positive- in children OR adults. It may be rude & kids should definitely be taught that it is not okay to always speak what is on their minds but it is NOT bullying.
    I’m guessing he has made his share of thoughtless remarks to his friends. Kids that age just don’t self censor very well.

  • Answerer 4

    Probaly for attention but the bad news is older kids bully too it all needs to be stopped i would tell the principal

    my brain

  • Answerer 5

    That’s horrible. I think young kids just learn from their parents or other people they look up to. Parents/guardians should be teaching kids to keep those kind of opinions to themselves. I mean what hope does society have when innocent 4 year olds are being bullied by others their age

  • Answerer 6

    Around four is actually the tipping point. Kids, the little ones, are selfish, we are born that way out on necessity. It is the parents responsibility in the first few years to change that type of behavior, to teach what is acceptable behavior in our society and start to teach the conflict resolution skills. Four or five the kids should be learning these skills and how to interact. Some take a bit longer, hunger, stress, being tired, being emotional,ETC.. Can all overrule a child’s self control and they revert back. The reasons a four year old takes this route can be many from bad parenting to learned to just not having the skill set yet. The ugly shoes could be meant as harmless, no filters and such or could have parents that judge by what we wear. The loser comment, is learned, that would be a result of the environment the child is living in.

  • Answerer 7

    They do this because their parents are falling down on their job.

    When parents see the tendency to bully in their children, they need to stop and make fixing this a top priority – to say “We don’t talk to other people like that” or “I am so disappointed in you for tormenting that child” would be what I would say.

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