Why don’t all those Christian churches just ask God about all the points they disagree about?

That way they won’t have to argue about whether faith alone is enough to get into Heaven, whether Hell is nonexistence or existence without God or physical torture, whether Jesus was God, whether blood transfusions are permitted, whether humans are predestined to Heaven or Hell, and hundreds of other differences.

I mean, wouldn’t God give them all the same answers? Unless, for some reason, he doesn’t want them to know which beliefs are true and which aren’t – and in that case, what can you really know from reading a book inspired by him?

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Oh, but they *do.* And most of them claim to get answers, too.
    Interestingly enough, they all get different answers, and all claim these answers come from “god.”
    How about that.

    It couldn’t be, could it, that their “answers” *don’t* come from “god,” but are just stuff they already believe and feel strongly about, could it? Hmm?
    – Chosen by Asker

  • There’s only one thing they all agree on, abortion.
    The anti-abortion movement is the most successful cult in history. It was created to bring all the different denominations together and get them to vote Republican. Which is why they invented the name “conservative”. Even ignorant god worhippers know better than to claim to be Republican. But who else is a con to vote for? That is why they will always promise to outlaw abortion but never will. It is the carrot on the stick leading them into the voting booths.

  • This is where you have a heavy lack of understanding regarding human nature. Christians receive knowledge according to how they are raised to receive knowledge. That can be influenced by upbringing as well as environment. If a convert to Christianity were kept locked in a cage somewhere in Iran from the day they were old enough to speak, it would certainly be no surprise that they are not aware of what has been going on in the greater Christian community. At the very least, that Christian would know that they do not want to be a part of the Islamic faith and would seek answers from God or at least someone who is knowledgeable about Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ is God).

    Also, you seem to neglect the fact that Christians do not share a hive mind. We don’t engage in groupthink, like the secular progressives. We don’t look for a scapegoat. We look for a way home.

  • I think that’s a great idea. It would make for great TV watching, too!

    @ wilson, millions of people in other areas of the world are not Xian. millions of people lived for thousands of years with no concept of mono theism…there’s evidence of nature worshipers, ancestor worship…when religion started organizing there were thousands of years of different polytheistic religions…and in the few stories of children not raised by humans (for the most part of their childhood), they were not mono theists

  • It’s like a scavanger hunt.

    Winners get eternal paradise, losers burn forever.

  • They don’t know which of their three gods they should ask.

  • Conveniently, God tells each of them that their view is correct.

  • They did. Can you IMAGINE? He gave them all different answers. Why it’s almost like they EACH made it up.

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