Why is everything getting cheaper and cheaper made like clothing, food, cars?

And yet the PRICE is so freaking expensive?

I mean even going to Goodwil a pair of used pants will set you back $7 or a blouse for $6 and it’s used and you have to wash it to boot and sometimes it may or may not be your size or color.

Your thoughts dear people.


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Because everyone wants to make more money, not less. I have a dozen employees at the moment. I give them their paychecks, I pay for electricity in my warehouse, I pay for internet service to the warehouse, I pay for cell phones for the business, I pay insurance on my warehouse, I pay for the products we sell, I pay an accountant, I pay unemployment to the state, and I pay taxes. Six months after being hired it’s almost a certainty that one or more employees will want a raise. That money isn’t coming out of my pocket so I have to raise prices.

    Think about it. If I only gave a ten cent raise to one employee per hour that’s $4 a week. Multiply that by fifty two and that’s an extra $2 a year I have to come up with. Now multiply that by twelve and that’s almost $25 a year more that I have to get out of my products. And by the way, no one asks for only a ten cent raise…..

    As to the products we sell, we buy what’s available. I’m sure they go though the exact same process.

  • Because in Capitalism the most important thing is to make a maximum profit. Making high quality items ruins the profit margin.

  • Simple. Greed of businesses and corporations. They will take advantage of customers because they know the customers will purchase their products.

    One major example: Verizon.

    Source(s): Business Owner

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