Why is Gay Marriage so objectionable to most straight people?

We do not come into their homes to marry, we do not force them to come to our ceremony, we do not implore them to be our bridesmaids or best men.

They act like they own marriage when marriage existed LONG before the bible and was a civil ceremony.

Are they scared of us?


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  • Most straight people do not object to same sex marriage- just the ignorant or bigoted ones.

    None of them can even give reasons why- when they claim it’s a religious sacrement, we remind them it’s a LEGAL marriage licence under discussion, so it has nothing to do with their religion.

    People can get married, divorced, and remarried LEGALY, but many religions do not allow marriage after divorce.

    There are still racist churches that will not perform mixed race marriages- and they have every right to deny them. They just can’t prevent mixed race couples from getting LEGALY married.

    Plus, many religions and Christian denominations DO allow for same sex marriage, so why should one religion have the right to dictate what other religions can or cannot do?

    Some make up blatant falacys of logic like slippery slope arguments- that it will lead to horses getting married to toaster ovens or other such nonsense.

    That is just not how the Law works- every individual case is explored based on it’s own merits, period, not based on imaginary paranoid results.

  • We are not scared of the gay community, but marriage is largely a religious ceremony and besides religious ideology, its the slippery slope argument that best describes the stance against gay marriage. While you don’t harm anyone by getting married, neither do two very consenting and in love first cousins. Why then, if gay marriage is allowed, should they not be able to marry, or better yet, why not brother and sister? They don’t harm anyone but it goes against what we perceive as right and moral. And honestly, I am not trying to bash on any gay rights because I do not see gay people as any less of humans than straight people by any means, but I thought I’d give you the perspective you were asking for and I tried to do so as respectfully as possible.

  • Nobody likes anyone who is different then them something like race, or sexual orientation. In the bible they suggest gay marriage is wrong mostly because you cannot continue the human race with homosexuality.

    Source(s): Bible and common knowledge

  • The train of homosexuality is damaging to the human soul and God gave His warnings approximately this within the Bible. Supporting homosexual marriage is a sin due to the fact that it approach to aid homosexuality. If a country legalizes homosexual marriage, that country might be cursed. Iniquities (sinful developments) cross down the new release line if they don’t seem to be eliminated via the Blood of the Lord Jesus. Homosexuality is triggered via iniquity and the Blood of Jesus cleanses the iniquities of all who be given Him as their Saviour. After a character accepts the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, they’re converted and made a brand new creature in Christ (two Corinthians five:17). So the homosexual character might be converted and so might the alcoholic, liar, drug addict, fornicator and so forth. It’s the vigor of the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit within the believer that brings approximately this variation. REDEMPTION BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH Because mankind is incapable of assembly God’s regular of perfection fundamental to abide in God’s presence (Romans three:19-20,23), God despatched His Son Jesus Christ to pay the complete debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credit to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans three:21-28,five:a million-eleven; two Corinthians five:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement used to be entire and covers all sin (Colossians two:thirteen-14; a million John a million:nine). Salvation isn’t situated on well deeds however in line with the mercy of God (Titus three:four-five). Believers are justified via religion; this can be a reward via God’s grace (Romans four:three-eight; Ephesians two:eight-nine). A actual, residing religion will outcome in a want to are living a holy, loving lifetime of well works (Ephesians two:10; Galatians five:6; James two:14-26), however failure to be most likely victorious at righteous residing does now not negate the believer’s justified reputation. If you actually say this prayer, your sins might be washed away, you’ll be redeemed to God, be stored from everlasting torment and inherit the Kingdom of God: “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and shop me via your shed blood; come into my center. I desire to acquire you as my possess private Lord and Savior. Amen”

  • Narrow minded oafs who use the bible as their cover. Red necks should be buried in the ground and dug up when their necks turn white again.

  • They just wanna keep marriage exclusive to straight people. which is imature

  • LOL yup fear feeds those poor little straight ppl

  • Wendy wendy wendy, so is premarital sex…but you have clearly broken that rule.

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