why is my female teddy bear hamster bleeding?

my daughter and i bought 2 teddy bear hamster yesterday and their in one cage then i notice today that the other one is bleeding from her behind.. i tried looking at if there’s any wound but i cant see anything..


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  • It’s completely true that syrian hamsters are solitary animals that will usually fight severely with others in their cage. It’s not responsible to house more than one per cage.

    Where exactly is the blood coming from? Is it a wound, or does it look like internal drainage? Either way, separate them immediately, if a wound clot the bleeding with white flour, it should stop and heal up on its own, just keep the cage clean. If internal, the hamster needs immediate medical attention and will probably die without.

    If a pet store was dumb enough to sell you two syrians in one cage, no doubt their animals are probably also ill and not well kept.

  • Yes teddy bear hamsters should be in separate cages no matter what, i have no clue why the keep them together in pet stores

  • Why are you housing them together?

    Separate them IMMEDIATELY.

    Syrian hamsters are solitary extremely territorial animals; once they reach maturity, they WILL fight, often to the death.

    Even basic research would have told you this….

    The blood is likely from a wound from fighting, if not from the other hamster.

  • They should be in their own cages or they will fight or mate,or both! take the hamster to the vet.

  • maybe she………….had a female mammal thing.

    a puncuation mark

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