Why won't my 2 year old daughter poop in the potty?

My 2 and a half year old daughter is potty training quite successfully…sort of. She will pee in the potty (her little potty or any big toilet) but she will say she has to poop and she will sit, but nothing happens. Then after she gets on and off of the potty a few times she will give up and hide somewhere and poop in her undies. It’s almost as if she doesn’t know how to go in the potty. Can someone please give me some advice? I have 3 older children and never had this ‘problem’ with them so I am at a loss for a solution. Thank you in advance!


Oh, and she isn’t constipated!!!


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  • well im a little young to know anything about this, but my sister lived with us for a while and my neise is about two now. Try seeing a pediatritian about it, even if its nothing serious im sure theyve heard of it and can help the best. Also, try rewarding her. say “If you go in the potty, ill give you ____ (maybe a popscicle or a piece of candy) ” And only give it to her if she goes in the toilet. Dont punish her if she cant, its not her fault. Ive also heard of parents sitting in the bathroom with their kids and reading a book to them while they are on the potty. In your situation it sounds like your daughter is unsure of what to do, and she doesnt have the patience to wait (what kid does!). So try to keep her entertained or something, for a little whiles. maybe shell end up going. keep an eye on her, dont let her out of your site, when you see her going to the bathroom pick her up run her to the toilet and sit her on it. (if thats even possible) then give her something small to reward her and tell her everytime she does that she gets one.

  • For my son it was once extra like we have been those being educated! I might take a seat in the toilet with him and skim him a tale and advertise grunting (I might take a seat at the aspect of the bathtub and make a face and perform a little grunting) I additionally gave him a few small toys to play with. We might do that approximately each and every twenty mins after he ate. This labored pleasant for him!! He is now 12 years historical and sure he nonetheless performs with wrestlers whilst he’s at the pot! Pooping is all approximately being secure and for a two yr historical sitting on a potty for lengthy intervals so that you have got to make it a laugh!

  • it could be a couple things, i will just give what i think and both of those could be wrong. At 2 there are so many reasons that it could be. sometimes at 2 they really arent ready. This is a very common problem and over time it will solve itself. Keep trying, and when she is successful make a HUGE deal about it. Another thing could be her way of getting attention. You siad you have 3 older children, and when there is more than one child they find a way to get attention, each in their own way. This could be hers. Please dont think im saying you dont pay attention to her, lol, most kids would prefer 1% on them. I would say try not to give much attention when she does it. Just clean it up with little or no talking and then move on…You can also ask her pediatrician if (s)he has any ideas.

  • Some children view “poop” as a part of them. Pee is just water so they don’t get as “upset” losing it. However poop is different, they see it as being a part of them and psycologically they ARE afraid of losing it. So they will avoid going on the toilet. It is just a phase some kids go through and once she does poop on the toilet it will be easier. Right now she is not ready to give up that part of herself so keep her in diapers.

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  • Getting your toddler out of nappies depends on whether or not a consistent technique is get. For that reason, if she is at nursery or with a little one minder, nanny or family members, everyone demands to take the same strategy.

    To find out how to potty train your children in only 3 days you will need this plan https://tr.im/L5TrZ

    This valuable plan helps you in reducing the require of shifting dirty diapers repeatedly. Following employing this plan your kid would be totally potty skilled. It also helps in increasing the self-self-confidence of your child, which is essential for his improvement.

    This system is the excellent system for Those mother and father who can devote three days for potty train of their child. They only need to be calm, tolerant and patient and stick to this guide.

  • My second was like this. Honestly, it took a year to get him to poop in the toilet (when he was a little less than 3.5). I tried many things to help it along. I think it was just a battle of wills (I lost) and I finally realized he would do it when he was ready.

    Source(s): mom of 3; pregnant with #4

  • ok my brother had the same problem.

    if she wants togo to school tell hr she wont be able to if she doesnt

    or if she has like favorite of something

    tell her you’ll reward her if she does :))

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