why would you choose to abort a disabled baby?


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  • I would only choose to abort a disabled baby if their disability was absolutely indisputable and incompatible with life.

    Added: I parent an adopted son and an adopted daughter – BOTH with disabilities as a SINGLE parent. It is not impossible!!!!!!!

  • I wouldn’t abort any child, regardless of its condition, for personal religious reasons. There are some people who feel they couldn’t stand up to the expense and rigors of dealing with a disabled child. It’s hard on a marriage when the focus has to be on the child rather than the spouse. Even with SSI, there are many expenses parents of disabled children encounter. It’s a full-time job to deal with a disabled infant–especially one that is profoundly handicapped. It takes a strong person with lots of resolve to stick with it over the years.

  • Depends. There are various reasons.

    1) The parent doesn’t want to put up with the difficulties of raising a child with disabilities

    2) The parent and/or others believe that it is in the child’s best interests to never be born, instead of “suffering” through life disabled

    3) Disabilities can lead to massive costs, especially when one is uninsured

    4) The parent feels as if they would be an unfit parent for a disabled child and feels as though they are doing the child a favor

  • The reason someone would choose to abort a disabled baby is because they don’t want a disabled child. Having an autistic child or a child in a wheel-chair can be very stressful on the parents. Just imagine if you had a kid like that. Especially if you were just going to be a single mom. There would be no way you could do that. Even if people are married they might not want to have a disabled child. So they choose to abort it.

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  • people that do that are selfish, ignorant, loosers.

    as if cares a good place for a disabled kid.

  • financial reasons

  • for food?

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