Will the universe become one big black hole?

I’ve been learning about how larger stars eventually turn into black holes and the point of no return and blah blah blah. Since there is no way for a black hole to go back from that form, would that not mean that as time goes on more and more black holes will be created. As they take in more mass and there horizon point gets larger black holes will eventually get close enough to join together. Because of the eventual increase of black holes and no way of them to decrease in number but only get bigger and there gravitational pull becomes stronger, wont the universe just become one big black hole? If this is not that case could someone explain why, this stuff fascinates me.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • some scientists believe that the universe is inside of a big black hole.
  • To say that the universe, meaning galaxies and all, would or could become a big black hole is a little exaggerated. Scientists talk of a Big Crunch though, which is the opposite of Big Bang. We all know by now that DARK MATTER is found everywhere in the universe,and that’s the reason the arms of spiral galaxies revolve as if they were disks and not whirlpools (the revolutions per minute are the same in both circumference and center.)
    So this is the main reason galaxies haven’t just blown away in a few million years after Big Bang. We can still see them (Hubble telescope discovered galaxies at 13.8 billion light years away.) Dark Matter’s gravity is “holding” the galaxies together, although they are moving away from each other “at a slow pace.”
    So I believe a universe becoming a black hole is only a hypothesis not as yet accepted, whereas the universe going backwards towards a Big Crunch is something you find very often written in scientific books.

    books, books, and books

  • Current thinking says no – that the universe will expand into nothingness; that with the current rate of expansion, there is insufficient mass to pull everything back into one location.

  • kid let me enlighten you with some news. this so called universe of ours is actually a neural network inside someone’s brain’s nerve cell PERIOD

    believe it or not, it is true

  • Some scientists think the entire universe might be inside a black hole

  • Given enough time even black holes will dissipate. IN the end there will be nothing left.

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