Will you leave your wife if she was unable to have children?

My cousin has been married for three years and donot have any children. She was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and the doctor said she cant have children and her husband is not taking this very well.


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  • You married for love.

    Cancer is cancer and you don’t leave someone because of that. Shame on him…

  • This is a tough one…

    Of course everyone can say “never i love her” for better or worse yadda yadda

    But until you have ever been in a situation where you WANTED a child and couldnt have one, you cant understand the pain and desperation.

    I would hope it could be worked out. Whether it was freezing eggs or sperm, adopting or even using donor eggs and his sperm at a later date…

    Give him time, right now I think he is experiencing the death of a dream, the dream he had of having biological children with the woman he married. I think once he has let go of that he will be able to see that while it may not work out as he planned, it can still work.

  • Her husband is not taking this well?

    What a pansy. He should be more concerned on his wife who has CANCER. She is the one who is not taking the news well! She has cancer and cannot have children, that’s a HUGE let down to a woman.

    If I were a man, I’d console her and let her know everything will be alright. That’s what a real man does. Not freak out and be upset that they will never have blood children. You should kick him in the b@lls and make him sterile for us.

  • Sadly, it is a fact that husbands are more likely to leave their ill/dying wives than wives are likely to leave their ill/dying husbands.

    This is a whole different scenario than if she were just infertile for some reason. Her life is at stake here, and he has to deal with that first and foremost, that he may lose his new wife. And if she can’t ‘give’ him a child (so to speak) if she dies he will have nothing. So I doubt it’s really just the thought that she can’t have children, it’s the fear that he may lose her and won’t even have her child to remember her by.

  • He is not taking this well? Wow, what about his wife? Not only does she have to deal with the fact that she can’t have children, she also has to deal with this health scare. I really hope he steps up and is there for his wife, and stops thinking about himself. There are so many more avenues if you want to have children, such as adoption, even surrogate mother, etc.

  • I don’t want kids so that would be “no, I wouldn’t leave my wife.” Even if I did want kids, adoption would still be a possibility. If I wanted to go to an extreme, you could have a Doctor harvest your wifes eggs & inseminate another woman who would carry the baby to term for you.

  • No. But I would expect my wife to comprimise. Such as maybe adoption or if her sisters/cousins/aunts could perhaps carry a child for us? Something like that would definately have to happen otherwise yea I would probably leave her.

  • You can always adopt, there’s millions of children out here that would love to be a part of your family. He should never leave her for that reason.

  • I never would. First, they can freeze her eggs. Also, if he really wants children they can adopt.

    I understand the husband being distraught, but if he’s any kind of man he will rise above it and stay with his wife.

  • No, I would not. Like the second poster said, I’d marry for love.

    I wouldn’t be so shallow as to abandon my wife. Now that is just shameful.

  • It is quite selfish and insensitive on his part.

    First, she has Cancer….It is very mean to leave someone when they are facing the reality of their mortality.

    Second, it is selfish because he is leaving due to his own needs not being met. What about her need for support and love?

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