Would a Wheaten Terrier be good for me?

My family loves dogs, and a few weeks ago my Shih Tzu had to be put down due to severe brain damage from a seizure. We are ready and starting to look into getting a new dog. We saw a Wheaten and fell in LOVE with it. I read they are super energetic. This, for me, is a good and bad thing. My family is out basically a lot on Saturdays, Sundays, and Fridays. So my concern would be destructiveness. Also, I don’t have a huge backyard, but am willing to walk it a few times a day, and take it into my reasonably sized yard. Help!?! If not, what other breeds would you recommend?


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  • If you and your family is out most of the time, you might want to consider a more lower energy leveled breed. Wheatens MUST be walked AT LEAST 5 days a week in order to expel all that energy. A under exercised Wheaten is a unhappy and distructive Wheaten.

  • If you go out every sundays, fridays and saturdays, why not bring the dog with you? If you don’t have the biggest yard, why not help the dog get the energy from that?

    But you gotta be there for that dog, because he will always be there for you.

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