2 year old daughter with bluey purlple lips?

My 2 year old daughter woke up this morning all good then sat down to have some breakfast.While she was sitting there she all of a sudden started shaking and her lips started chattering.It was not cold at all.Then her lips turned to a bluey purple colour.My mother and i watched her while she was eating and the next thing her hands turned blue and then turned in and went like claws. About a minute later we noticed she looked at her hands and then began eating again as if nothing happened but she was still shaking all over.

2 hours later her top lip is still blue and she is walking with a shuffle.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same thing happen to there children and if so can shed some light on what could be happening.

I have an appointment to see the doctor at 4.30pm.


Took her to the doctors who sent us to the hospital. They did not do any tests on her as she presented fine and her temp and bp was all good.We stayed untill 11:30 last night.They said she had a complex partial seizure. She has to go and get an eeg next week on her brain to see if she has epilepsy or find out what exactly caused it.


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  • Sounds like she had a seizure to me. You should take her to the emergency room, screw an appointment.

  • It could be cyanosis where the blood is not getting enough oxygen and some body parts may turn a bluish color. I have heard of it in kids when they are active, but your child was just sitting and eating so not sure what that means. If her motor functions have changed I would take her to the emergency room. I’m not sure what a “shuffle” is but it could be something serious. Hope everything turns out well.

  • Sounds like a seizure – I work in a medical practice and have seen this before. Many small children can have them for no apparent reason. I’d take her straight to the doctors or emergency. It may not be serious but best to get it checked quicky.

  • I would take her to the emergency room straight away. She could have a lack of oxygen . It may not be an emergency but better safe then sorry right?

  • Somewhere I thought that signified a lack of oxygen but I am guessing, Take her to the dr. and have him tell you. He’ll probably want to do some tests.

  • make sure you check her heart sometimes congenital heart diseases can cause this..make sure you do an echo cardiogram organised to make sure there is no hole in her heart…that means the oxygenation of her blood is not enough..it can be from her lung, her heart or her red blood cells..also make sure you see a haematologist …she needs a complete check..if she had shaking it also might be because she had a seizure

  • I would take her to the er immediately. I’m not saying that’s necessarily the urgent thing to do but if my child had those symptoms I wouldn’t fool around and wonder about it, I would take her to the er right away.

  • http://pregnancyandbaby.com/pregnancy/baby/When-yo…

    There’s a bit of info on the blue lips. I’d give the hospital a call just to make sure she’s okay.

  • You asked this ? about 53 min. I hope you have her at the E.R., if not GO NOW!

  • hmm…

    you should take her to a pediacrtics and get their opinion

    -hope i helped-


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