What is wrong with my twig catfish?

I got it about a month ago. And it’s got a white sore looking thing on the side of its body. I read online that lots of people who get these fish, have them dieing a month after from the same type of thing. It hasnt been getting picked at, or under fed. The decorations are smooth, rounded, so it’s not getting scratched. What is wrong? How can i fix it? I have aquarium salt in the tank to help it heal but it hasnt been any beter.

It’s not ich. I’ve seen ich many times and this is something else. It looks almost like a raw wound. Not little spots of white.

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  • These fish needs high water quality and very high oxygen content. They simply are not suited for most common low flow community tank setups. They do better in tanks with pristine water and higher water flow.

    Aquarium salt is about the worst thing you can use on it. They do not respond well to salt.

    What is your water quality?

    Do water changes and increase water flow to fix. Stop adding salt. Do water tests to check your water quality is sufficient to keep this fish healthy.

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