1 fish in my tank always stays near the filter or glass except when feeding time then it's excited?

Why is it the only fish constantly by the filter


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  • Make sure you have some rocks and fake fish tank reefs so the fishes can chill out in the cover of darkness.

    Make sure your tank isn’t over crowded.

    Make sure to turn the light off at night so the fishes can sleep (yes fishes sleep!).

    If the he continues stay near the filter than he just likes to stay near the filter, maybe it likes the way the water feel when it rushes over him, maybe he likes the sound of the waves, maybe he’s watching the people, or maybe it’s just his little safe spot (we all need a little place to call home don’t we?).

  • As what Eve said, adding places for the fish to hide helps. Some fish are nervous and like to hide. And even if you add places for it to hide, it might just like being near the filter. I have fish like that. My first pleco loved to suck on the water filter before he died (got a bad ick infection that I didn’t catch soon enough.) Fish have their reasons for what they do. This one’s probably just looking for a place of comfort.

  • what type of fish, what size aquarium and is there much cover for it to hide in?

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