My Bettas all dieing off?!?!?

I had 10 Bettas and now I only have TWO!!! Just all the sudden the fell down dead, and one of them the others ate. I take really well care of them, I feed them and I just did a 20% water change. But why are they all dieing off?


I feed them food flakes in the morning and close to night I give them a treat sometimes, like blood worms or shrimp. All there are, are 5 bettas in a 10g tank and they just all died?!


✅ Answers

  • You had 5 betta’s in a 10 gallon tank i hope they were all females or a divided tank. Betta’s are strong fish they don’t die fast unless the owner is clueless.

    10 gallon tank for 5 betta’s divided each will get 2 gallons. Am hoping you had a filter & heater. Feeding must be 3-4 flakes each no more 1 day no food & treats 1 day. It’s 25% not 20% water change every week. You didn’t give a lot of details only that you gave them flakes & 5 betta’s in a 10 gallon tank.

  • You need to do A LOT of research because each betta needs a 5 gallon tank at least with a heater and does your tank have a heater? and are they male or female bettas

  • wow 5 Betta fish in 10 gallon fish tank. no wonder why they are dieing.

    They might be dieing due to stress, chasing, nipping and fighting.

    If you have all males in your fish tank = they all fighting as males are agressive

    if you have males mixed with females = male attacking the females and they are all fighting

    if you have all female betta fish = they all fighting due to territory , for soriroty fish tanks 5 female betta fish need 20 gallon fish tank as minimum and well decorated with hiding places and plants to reduce the aggression towards females.

    My suggestion:

    1) do your re-search before getting any types of fish especially betta splendens they are siamese fighting fish and each betta needs minimum 3 gallon fish tank but 5 gallon would be better for each betta to have their own space.

    Source(s): own two beautiful betta splendens ( Male and female ) in two different small community fish tanks 10 Gallon & 26 Gallon fish tank

  • Why did you have 10 bettas stuffed in a 10 gallon?

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  • You will need to research a lot and if you can go to the vet. There could be a disease that you are unaware of. And do you know what kinds of wildlife you have because they could have easily killed by other animals. Also, are you feeding them the right amount?

  • you are giving very little details.

    tank conditions, water temp, what products you are using

    it could be they have contracted fish TB

    you arent saying how they are dying. is their stomach bloated first?

    also i notice you are saying you have 5 bettas in ONE 10gal tank? if that is the case you are stupid.

    betta need to be alone

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