I was given two small fish in a wine glass looking bowl.How often should I change water?


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  • Get the fish a proper tank, if they are goldfish buy them a filter, If they are bettas buy them both a filter and heater. The bowl will kill them, Believe me the only fish that lives in a fish bowl is a dead fish

  • If you can find a small air pump tube to go in it, don’t over feed them, and they aren’t big poopers like gold fish, you can probably get away with once a week or so. That’s what I did with my betta that used to live in a vase that could hold a gallon of water. But if you have a tendency to overfeed, can’t get an air pump tube to fit in, or they poop a lot, I would suggest changing the water every couple of days, and by that, I mean (since the bowl is so small) put them in a plastic container full of some of the water (properly treated for their health), empty the bowl, wash it out good, and then refill and treat. I suggest that method no matter when you change the water, it’s easiest for such a small container, but how often depends on you need to change the water. If food or poop gathers up too much, the water becomes very unhealthy for them. If you can’t find some kind of way to make the water move in it, they lose oxygen and die. So as long as the water won’t become contaminated every couple of days and there’s a way for oxygen to flow into the water, once a week or so should be fine.

    Although, ultimately, you should find a proper bowl or tank to put them in. It’s better for their health. The more swimming room and decor, the happier they are, which means, as long as health isn’t an issue, the longer they live.

    Source(s): Raised a betta fish in a gallon sized vase for about 6 months before having the money to buy him an actual tank.

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    I was given two small fish in a wine glass looking bowl.How often should I change water?

    Source(s): small fish wine glass bowl change water: https://shortly.im/jvzWS

  • I like to empty out around 10 gallons of my 40 gallon tank once a week, my filter is cleaned once a month and fresh carbon added. You don;t need to do any more often than this unless you have a problem with your water. However I have left the tank for well over 6 months before changing any water with all the fish remaining healthy – but the tank was over-filtered and pretty large housing only a few fish.

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  • Once a day for now, but buy a bigger tank with a filter ASAP because it will stress the fish out living in a bowl with unfiltered water. Make sure to treat any new water with chlorine neautraliser drops found at your local pet store.

    Source(s): Kept fish for 8 years

  • Probably twice a day until you can get them a real aquarium.

    A small bowl is not a suitable environment for any fish, the water quickly gets polluted by the waste the fish produce, and they soon die. Keep the water clean by changing it and they should live longer, hopefully long enough to get a proper aquarium set up.


  • You need to get them into a proper tank, and start the process of “cycling the tank and filter with fish” no fish can live in anythy that small. what kind of fish are they? how will you know what to feed them, if the need a heater?

  • Make sure the bowl is at least one foot by one foot.

    Buy two fish bowls, and a net.

    Grab the fish with the net, and transfer fish from bowl one to bowl two.

    Wash bowl one, fill with water bowl one, and let bowl one so the chlorine evaporates.

    It sounds hard but it only takes ten minutes.

    You should do this every five days.

    I have always had fish bowls / fish tanks in my apartment.

    I love to chill, listen music, just watch the fish swim around.

  • They should be in the right size tank with a filter and heater if Tropical and the tank should of been cycled .

  • A fish bowl should be the smallest container to put a fish or else, they wont live long if the the bowl is not regularly cleaned like 1 every 5 days.

    Source(s): Fish lover

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