Green hair algae growing on vallisneria? Help?

So I have so hair algae growing on my vallisneria only. I could just remove them then problem solved but what can I use to combat them? I just got about 1-2 ramshorn snails do they eat hair algae? I have a turtle so they won’t last long hopefully they breed. It’s a 30 gallon tank and I leave the lights on a bit too long I use API CO2 booster and API Leaf Zone


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  • Excess nitrates and phosphates, overfeeding poop in the gravel and too much light are all causes. Reduce your light to 8 hours a day max, test for nitrates and phosphates, vacuum your gravel and do more water changes. We actually get this question quite a lot, and these items are incorporated into the best answers. Some sites recommend adding algae eaters, but that won’t work if its really out of control. In my opinion, Prochilodus insignis, probably the best algae eating fish do eat it, but they are large and expensive, although very beautiful showpiece fish. American Flag Fish, recommended by Aquarium Adivce eat it also.

    Leaf Zone will help them grow. Cut it out for a while.

    I had this problem last summer when I went away for 4 days and left the lights on in one tank.I had tons of it. I bought a 2.5 inch Prochilodus for $25 in Chinatown from a very established Oriental aquarist who said it was positively the best algae eater. Now the Prochilodus is 6.5 inches long and has run out of algae to eat so he eats flakes instead. I did have to boil and scrape it off 2 big rocks, but ate all of it on the gravel, driftwood and glass.

    Source(s): Robert Price, Phd, Ichthyology, Board of directors, Brooklyn Aquarium Society
    Yahoo Best

    ✅ Answers

    Prochilodus insignis
    American Flag Fish – Aquarium Advice

  • in case you have a colony of cherry shrimp, they are able to maintain lots of the algal develop at bay, and toddler bristlenoses will probly consume it. Otocinclus are sposed to be good too, yet mine usually basically look to consume off the driftwood in my tank. this is a planted tank? if so, algae is often from a loss of a few thing? Nitrates? Does the water attempt 0, 0, 0? perhaps step up your water substitute time table to stability micro foodstuff. what’s your lighting fixtures?

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