Transferring My Bacteria Colony?

I had 12 pot scubbies sustaining 14 1″+ fish in my DIY trickle on my 20 gallon. i have 8 1″+ fish now and plan on having 18 fish when my stock is done (the fish are small tetras/rasboras). Right now i have 4 of the pot scrubbies in my brand new penguin 2, and i was wondering when i could take those out, as the bacteria would be in the biowheel preferably. How can i make sure enough bacteria transferred into the biowheel, because id really like to fill the filter with filter fiber. I have 2 cartridges to use now so i dont need to put the fiber in until those run out, but i still want to make sure the bacteria are in the biowheel.

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  • You’re better off leaving your “cycled” filter media in the Penguin, but to answer your question, the Biowheels on the Penguin filter should themselves be “cycled” (have a good bacterial colony) in about a month.

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