Can I keep German Blue and Bolivian Rams together?

I still have some more space in my 75 gallon aquarium and I was wondering if I could keep German Blue and Bolivian Rams together. I already have a pair of German Blue Rams in my tank (although their genders are unknown, I think they might both be female) and I was thinking about getting two Bolivian Rams in addition. I’ve heard they might fight and/or be aggressive to each other, but I am not entirely sure of this. With the factor that I have such a large tank, could I keep the two together?


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  • 75’s are a smaller medium size tank. There is probably enough room for both, but it depends on how the tank is designed, and what other fish you have. If you can have caves, plants, driftwood, so they can have sight line breaks, and places to claim as their own territory, you should be OK.

  • They will be perfectly fine

    Source(s): Experience, and i have a bolivian/GBR tank 🙂

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