Can you help me with my javascript code?

I am doing this code:

confirm(“I am ready to play!”);

var age = prompt (“What’s your age?”) ;

if (age < ) {

console.log (“Proceed at your own risk”);

} else {

console.log (“Good Luck”);


console.log (“You wake up in a cave and find yourself trapped in a room and find a torch and a door”) ;

console.log (“Be sure to choose the right one”);

userAnswer = prompt (“Do you take the door or the torch?”);

if (userAnswer===”torch”) {

console.log (“You take the torch and walk down the cave now that you can see”);

} else {

console.log (“You open the door only to see a brick wall in your way so you take the torch and go on”);


userAnswer = prompt (“Your torch is now losing its flame, do you either keep on going or walk through a nearby door”);

if (userAnswer ===”keep going”) {

console.log (“You keep going and your flame runs out, you hear noises coming towards you and then run back and go through the door. The door leads you to a teleporter which you jump through and end up in the batcave”);

} else {

console.log (“You chose to take the door which leads to a stairway to the batcave”);


userAnswer = prompt (“You are now in the batcave and see Batman, do you either ask him to lead you back home or attemp to fight him”);

if (userAnswer===”fight him”) {

console.log (“You attempt to fight Batman and he wins because he is batman. Now he knocks you out and throws you to the bottom of the batcave”);

} else {

console.log (“You ask batman for the way out and he drives you out of the cave and back home in his batmobile”);

See also  explain btw blog and .com and why to use which one. I teach a product never used net. Want interaction. thx?


var feedback = prompt (“Rate the game -“);

if (feedback > ) {

console.log (“Thanks for enjoying this game!”);

} else {

console.log (“I slaved away at this game and you gave me that score?! The nerve! Just you wait”);


Everything seems to run perfectly when I run it except some parts of it won’t show up like the story when it says console.log and then the message I want them to see doesn’t show up. The only parts that pop are the user answers and the feedback. My question is, how do I get all of the messages (console.log) to show up when I run the code?

? Favorite Answer

  • The HTML code (with your Javascript replacing all console.log with alert) worked well for me:





    confirm(“I am ready to play!”);

    var age = prompt (“What’s your age?”) ;

    if (age < ) {

    alert (“Proceed at your own risk”);

    } else {

    alert (“Good Luck”);


    alert (“You wake up in a cave and find yourself trapped in a room and find a torch and a door”) ;

    alert (“Be sure to choose the right one”);

    userAnswer = prompt (“Do you take the door or the torch?”);

    if (userAnswer===”torch”) {

    alert (“You take the torch and walk down the cave now that you can see”);

    } else {

    alert (“You open the door only to see a brick wall in your way so you take the torch and go on”);


    userAnswer = prompt (“Your torch is now losing its flame, do you either keep on going or walk through a nearby door”);

    if (userAnswer ===”keep going”) {

    alert (“You keep going and your flame runs out, you hear noises coming towards you and then run back and go through the door. The door leads you to a teleporter which you jump through and end up in the batcave”);

    See also  How to write time signatures in HTML?

    } else {

    alert (“You chose to take the door which leads to a stairway to the batcave”);


    userAnswer = prompt (“You are now in the batcave and see Batman, do you either ask him to lead you back home or attemp to fight him”);

    if (userAnswer===”fight him”) {

    alert (“You attempt to fight Batman and he wins because he is batman. Now he knocks you out and throws you to the bottom of the batcave”);

    } else {

    alert (“You ask batman for the way out and he drives you out of the cave and back home in his batmobile”);


    var feedback = prompt (“Rate the game -“);

    if (feedback > ) {

    alert (“Thanks for enjoying this game!”);

    } else {

    alert (“I slaved away at this game and you gave me that score?! The nerve! Just you wait”);





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