Does the dryness from proactive go away after a while? Like does your skin get used to it after a few weeks?

Ive been using it for almost two weeks and still pretty dry skin. hopefully it will. but.. in my experience, proactive sucks. i am now using origins skin care line. WONDERFUL & Natural stuff!! probably not, if your skin continues to be dry it is a sign that the product you’re using is too harsh … Read more

how many reps should i do?

im using pounders and i can do easily and i just started doing them. how many should i do a day and how many days Any reps over is simply cardio …. keep it sets of – – – while raising the weight as you lower the reps. That is how you grow . I’m … Read more

Meaning behind the color of my eyes?

Answers Favorite Answer There IS no meaning to different eye colors. You just have the colors your DNA decided you would have based on the genes handed down from your parents and ancestors. No secret meanings…eye color is just eye color Source(s): Optician My eyes do that to! Only they change from deep green to … Read more

Can’t breathe?? URGENT.?

Answers Favorite Answer This is actually quite urgent and you need to get medical attention right away! I mean now, and not tomorrow or the next day. Anything that affects your breathing in that way needs to be investigated. It could turn out to be something like the beginning of a chest infection but you … Read more

coil spings on brace came unattched?

Answers Favorite Answer No. Go back. Sometimes the adhesive doesn’t take. If you don’t want to go so far ask if the dentist has an associate nearby. But remember that associate might charge for the visit. So the advice is, call make an appointment for soon.