Could I have been raped?

The first time I remember having sex was when I was 15, though it hurt a little, I did not bleed at all. Maybe my hymen had already been broken? I get easily attached to males. And I hate my father. I can’t stand being in the same room as him. Also older males intimidate me sort of, I feel like they all are looking at me sexually. I feel uncomortable. What’s wrong with me? I feel like maybe I was raped and am blacking it out and choosing not to remember it


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  • Many people’s hymens break long before they have sex. I think only about 40% of first sexual experiences involve breaking of the hymen. So that isn’t a sign you were raped. Hymens break naturally a variety of ways- riding a bike, riding a horse, many things.

    Getting easily attached to males is often a sign of being a teen. It’s a natural reaction to your hormones- and they’re hormones.

    Most teens also tend to defy authority and hating your parents is completely natural.

    As for the fact you feel people are looking at you sexually- that may be because they are. Are there certain people in particular? Teachers/ coaches/ spiritual leaders? If you can think of specific people that make you uncomfortable, talk to a trusted family member, friend, or school counselor about it. Hopefully they can help justify those feelings or prevent that from happening in the future.

  • Well, that’s pretty normal, actually.

    The hymen doesn’t actually ‘break’ -it’s tissue, first of all, so it’s flexible and elastic. It’s also not a ‘seal’ -it doesn’t cover the whole thing, it just a sort of crescent-shaped flap. So it doesn’t break, it just shifts aside.

    While pain and bleeding can happen the first time a woman has sex, this is usually from small tears in the vulva as well as hymen, not from it actually ‘breaking’. These tears and the shifting of the hymen can also happen from many other things -gymnastics, riding horseback, etc.

    Older males intimidating you, may be *because* they are looking at you sexually, and are older and it makes you uncomfortable. Sadly this is part of being a woman -it shouldn’t be, but the society we live in makes it so.

    Your issues with your dad, I can’t really speak to -maybe he’s just a sh*tty father.

    Getting attached to men, sounds pretty normal for a youth -both male and female teenagers are more emotional and hormonal.

    I think a therapist might be of help. While its’ *possible* you are repressing something, I doubt it; but therapy can still help, just having someone you can talk to about all this.

  • First of all, you can’t become a sociopath- also called a psychopath-because I am a Psychopath unfortunately so I know the insanity. If you are an evil person, or a monster compared to humans- like a plan to destroy the world- then yes you are a psychopath.

    Anyway, one possibility is that your libido isn’t unusual at all since everyone is chronologically sex addicts by heredity. However, depending on the environment that could change though. If you had a negative experience with your father- physical abuse or verbal abuse- then that explains your personality development since you would rebel and have juvenile friends in most cases growing up. As for your hymen sometimes women lose it from playing sports or masturbation.

    Another assumption is that the threatening information is stored in your unconscious which influences your conscious reflexes or actions- also called unconscious motivation.

    This assumption is probably the most obvious. Your dad may have raped you when you were young; the information was stored in your subconscious so you won’t remember but the information influences your conscious reflexes; you hate your dad and slight intimidation of other males. This can be considered classical conditioning and the natural stimuli are the other harmless men, which aren’t as intimidating as your dad.

    Both possibilities are valid.

  • Something must’ve happened to you in the past you could have been raped when you were like younger but block it out I was sexually abused in childhood and fell off my bike and hit my head when I was 10 and can’t remember anything from before that age…it’s strange therapy could work for you I used to get uncomfortable when my brother talked to me but I learned its wasn’t my fault…I used to think guys were looking at me sexually too…whatever happened to u made u look at guys different that could cause problems in the future I suggest therapy

    Source(s): Me!

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  • Eek, doesn’t sound good. You’ll…..REALLY…..need to talk to someone about this.

    If you’re too shy, then just imagine all people as objects. Don’t worry, you won’t become a sociopath.

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