Did you hear what J.Gordon did?

i didnt…..

just wanted to see how many i could fool……dont get mad, dont report me, it was just a simple prank. if you fell for it, leave something!


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  • Me too…but I did have to look and see if you were a tr0ll clone…there’s been a LOT of that going around here today!

    Good one…needed the laugh.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  • sure. The consonants and vowels are in the perfect places, yet those that have been “knowledgeable” in the process the Reagan and Bush Sr. cases choose demagogues like Rush Lumpaugh, Glenn Bunk, and Calamity Hannity, to tell them what to think of. The Repugnicons are on the run… it incredibly is why they could in hassle-free terms react to Obama’s rules. they have not got any recommendations of their own, they could in hassle-free terms attempt to tear down Obama’s recommendations, and, failing that, slander Obama as a individual. The Republican “management” have been appearing like a gaggle of whiny little ones because of the fact the election. They have been great individuals to the cutting-edge mess, and that they could desire to grownup up and artwork to sparkling up the themes, not sit down in the midst of the floor and carry their breath till their faces turn blue. they are having a temper tantrum, and it incredibly is getting grotesque. The “birthers,” who’re much greater stupid than PETA, do not look to realize that they are hurting their reason. The GOP, who have been those that all and sundry started the dumba** hearsay, are actually attempting to distance themselves from the silliness. to respond to your question – NO. they don’t hear lots of something, different than the 1st word or 2 of a sentence, then they bypass off to the storage to commence making symptoms and plan some a million/2 a**ed protest they call “tea events.” they are egged on by ability of morons like Glenn Bunk, and that Hannity clown. it incredibly is all they hear, and regrettably, it incredibly is all they are going to learn. frequently, listening and researching recommend exchange; by ability of definition, conservatives do not choose exchange, so they simply pretend to take heed to. Republicans, and the human beings who declare they are, have tried to enhance a manner of existence of worry recently; it incredibly is not of their terrific hobbies in the event that they have been to assert each thing is going to be ok. So it could desire to be that it is not because of the fact they don’t hear, they could locate the money for listening to aids, they do exactly not provide a s*** what you think of. they have their time table, and it is not inevitably on your terrific hobbies. money’s the recreation right here.

  • Haha!

    I fell for it, I was thinking to myself “what could Jeff have done that HE would make the news?”

    We all know Stewart and Kyle Busch are some favorites for “doing things”, but Jeff is NASCARS golden boy. That was pretty smart of you.

  • I heard he spun out while leading at Watkins Glen and threw away the race. Nice job under pressure there, Jeff. Made me laugh. It was too funny.

  • Uh, was this suppose to be funny?

    I missed the humor. . And I have a good sense of humor.

    I don’t even like Gordon and I didn’t think it was funny.

    You may need to go to funny school, this was unfunny.

  • Ha. Ha. Thats a good one. I like J. Gordon so I would fall for anything about him.

  • he beat Petty’s record for the most top tens in a season

    wait he needs to start 5 more races

  • I fell for it. I thought maybe he got pissed and decked Shrub or Teresa E.

  • Well since everyone wants to know what Jeff did,Well I was no different ,you got me!

  • OK…you got me. Hook, line & sinker.

    Good one.

    Hey! Did you hear what Schiz did on Monday evening?

    He got 2 more points !!

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