Do you let your children say words in place of the curse word?

example- instead of saying the F word they say fudge in place of it, do you as a parent allow that. I think that they are meaning to say the actual word so how is saying a substitute word any better? i am just having thoughts about it. Or do you just let your children say bad words.


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  • My kids are 9 and 3. My 9 year old son has said a few bad words by accident over the years but it’s not a habit. It’s not a rule that they cannot do it but I find it annoying. I’d rather hear “oh crap” or “darn it” than “son of a bumble bee” or some other stupid saying.

  • Yes, because I don’t believe in micromanaging every word that comes out of a child’s mouth. If you make a big deal over trivial crap like that, then they’re not going to listen to you when something actually is a big deal.

    Sometimes you’ve just gotta get off their backs and let them be for five minutes.

  • I think this would be kinda hard to do … as there are so many common words and sayings that replace real swear words.







    Jeez (instead of JC)

    You really don’t need to teach your kids not to say bad words if they never hear them at home.

  • Depends on the situation. If they’re in a bad mood, let it slide but if they get into the habit of talking like that it makes them look bad. Also depends on the age.

  • It depends on the context..

    My daughter is five and her favorite phrase is “Oh, snap!”

    For instance she’ll say “Oh snap! I forgot my book bag mom!” I don’t see anything wrong with that.

    She also says “Oh, tarter sauce” and things such as that.

    She isn’t allowed to say darn, dang, crap or words like that. She doesn’t say anything that would include the “F” word or any variation.

  • Nope it’s the same thing, but I did want to laugh when a 3 year old said son of a FIRE TURCK! I didn’t tho because he would have thought it was a okay thing to say.

    Source(s): Kid that I babysit.

  • Yeah, I don’t see the issue there, the words don’t offend anyone.

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