does anybody know any good vampire books that i haven’t already read?

ive read:

the vampire diaries

Buffy the vampire slayer

the house of night

night world

twilight saga

bram stoker and other versions of ‘Dracula’

i also like books about witches and pretty much anything supernatural. any suggestions?


โœ… Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Morgainville series

    the silver kiss

    vampire diaries-not like tv series

    secret vampire by l.j.smith

    (l.j. smith has written a night world series you might enjoy, stand alone books)

    the radley’s

    fevre dream by george r.r.martin

    the last vampire by christopher pike

    blood rights (not too bothered on this one)

    theres the brotherhood of the dagger books by j.r.r.ward ( i havnt read these)


    let the right one in

    interview with the vampire (anne’s rice’s vampire chronicles quite a few there)

    the historian by elizabeth kostova

    i am legend

    creed by james herbert

    salems lot – by stephen king

    bite by richard laymon

    the sookie sackhouse series(strictly for adults)

    lost souls by poppy z. brite (strictly for adults)

    i’ve been reading vampire books years and i can’t get enough. only now im reading the morgainville books as i have avoided the teen ones (except for twilight and i read the vampire diaries and the last vampire as a child). I am very fussy, i like vampire books that are different e.g. fevre dream. or that are good horrors creed, or a good story you can’t put down the historian.

    i grew up with the vampire diaries and secret vampire and then the vampire chronicles. these are all i can think of right now, you didnt say your age.

  • If its vampires you want, then I dont think any other series can compete with the Vampires of Anne Rice. Back in the s, these books created such a strong following that most of the vampire myths in the books you mentioned were taken from the way Anne Rice described her vampires (well, maybe not Bram Stoker since that book is a classic “Classic” if you know what I mean & the Twilight Saga <— c’mon, Sparkling vampires?) Anyway, there are books to the original series: Interview with the Vampire, Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, Tale of the Body Thief and Memnoch the Devil. There are other side novels from these books about characters from here: The Vampire Armand, Vittorio and several others. Be warned, these books are really addicting! ๐Ÿ™‚

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    **Oh, and if you want Witches, she has witches too, the Mayfair Witches series which coincidentally met in a crossroad with the characters of her Vampire series in later books! ๐Ÿ™‚

    ***And if you want more current books, try the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare, there are vampires, werewolves, warlocks, angels, and other creatures thre too! Great reads!


  • I strongly recommend the Blue Bloods series by Melissa De La Cruz. It’s not like any other vampire series I’ve read. Rather than portraying them as monstrous creatures of the night, it shows them as New York’s most influential, who have been around for centuries. I didn’t think I’d like these books at first, but the story really sucks you in (no pun intended), and soon you are anxious to read more about the blue bloods, the silver bloods and the red bloods. If you want to know what I’m talking about, then read the books!


  • Ugh how did you manage to get through the Twilight Saga???!

    It’s disgusting…

    Anyway, try

    Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice

    Very good!


  • Vampire Academy?

  • Anne Rice wrote a lot of books about vampires. The first is ‘Interview with the Vampire’, followed by ‘The Vampire Lestat’ and then ‘Queen of the Damned’. There is a bunch more but I can’t remember their names. ‘The Vampire Lestat’ is really well written with a beautiful dense prose style and one of the few vampire novels I have found truly interesting.

  • There is a small series called Demon Diaries. It’s short, and not about vampires, but I found it to be an interesting supernatural manga series. You should check it out.

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    Source(s): Myself

  • I love vampire books as well and I have read loads. Here are some I think you might like.

    – VAMPIRE ACADEMY ( you must read !!!! its the best books ever )

    – The Morganville vampires

    -The Evernight series ( has vampires and ghosts in them )

    -The wolves of mercy falls ( Not about vampires but about wolves turning into humans you might like them )

    -The drake chronicles

    Hope you like them.

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  • Darren shan wrote a series about vampires, its the Darren shan series. After that he has his larten crepsley series. If you like books like fantasy, i recommend the demonata series by Darren shan, the Percy Jackson series, the hunger games trilogy and house of night. All of these are just some of my favourites. Happy reading ๐Ÿ™‚

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