If you had to, what fictional character would you date?

Obviously they’re alive.

I’ll reveal mine after, hah!


I mean, books! But books made into a film too 🙂

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  • Only answering from books, Henry DeTamble, hands down. Despite the drug usage and the random time traveling, he really seems like my type of guy. Would love to marry a handsome librarian!

  • Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice comes first in my list. Nobody can beat his charm and character.

    I love Sirius Black from Harry Potter. Not Gary Oldman who played him in the movie- he doesn’t look good. I want the character from the books. He’s funny, charming and sexy.

    I have had a thing for Peter Parker from Spiderman right since I was a kid. What’s better than a kind, loving, strong, superhero? 🙂

    Peeta Mellark from Hunger Games is an ideal guy.

    Otherwise, Will Herondale from the Infernal Devices is the perfect lover. <

  • Kvothe from The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. I’m fairly obsessed at the moment.

    Ismet Prcic in Shards by Ismet Prcic. Kind of a desire to save a lost soul.

    Theodore Faron in Children of Men by PD James. He didn’t look in my mind the way he looked in the movie. I’d much prefer the movie version 🙂

    Roland Deschain from The Dark Tower by Stephen King. I’m a little masochistic, I suppose.

    Stu Redman from The Stand by Stephen King. Since we can pick fictional characters, I’m assuming we can pop into their fictional worlds and this is always one I’ve wanted to visit. I try not to spend too much time wondering why I want to visit a post apocalyptic world.

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  • I would love to date Odd Thomas from the Odd series by Dean Koontz. Odd is very humble, dedicated to his friends and a simple man with simple tastes. He is a fry cook in Arizona and just a sweety. And his ability makes him interesting. A very adventuresome time would be had.

    Roman the Nephilim (Necrilim) from Richelle Mead’s Succubus series. Roman is smart, sarcastic, funny and sexy as they come. He has a rogue thing going on considering he can’t use his powers since just about everyone below and above earth is out to off him. But that makes him such a sympathetic character since he is more powerful than most and can’t use it. Just makes you want to curl up and hug him.

  • Will Darcy from Prom and Prejudice


    Reed Pearson from The Royal Treatment

  • Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare

    He’s so cocky but sweet too and I’m a sucker for an English accent 🙂

  • Peeta Mellark – The Hunger Games.

    He just seems like a guy that is so hard to find these days: sweet, handsome, a gentleman, loving, couragous, funny etc.. He’s like a guy that you’d be lucky to find these days and he just shows how much he would do for the one he loves, just like he did and looked out for Katniss in the Hunger Games!

    If only.. >.<

    Source(s): Answer mine? ?qid=…

  • Mr. Darcy from “Pride and Prejudice”.

    From modern literature, Inspector Lynley from Elizabeth George’s mysteries.

    I’m Italian, by the way.

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    Source(s): Avid reader

  • William Herondale from The Infernal Devices 🙂

  • Cloud from Final Fantasy

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