Ever lost your wallet at WalMart and got it back – intact?


I just did – in the Detroit area, no less! My faith in the good of humanity remains strong. Well, there wasn’t anything in there, but still. lol


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  • There must have been a camera rolling someplace.

    I’d think I was Punk’d

    …. or it was a FBI Sting Operation … oops

    … maybe I’ve said too much.

  • I was at a gas station once in the city somewhere walking from my car to the register in a daze like I usually do when a guy in front of me pointed behind me at the parking lot where I’d dropped my wallet. This kind of thing happens to me quite a bit as I’m extremely careless with money as a result of my contempt for it in every way. Several times I’ve left my ATM card in the machine sticking out and it either gets sucked back in or a nice person flags me down to give it back.

    My faith in humanity is constantly renewed everyday, but sometimes when I experience the more underhanded side of a person I get this twinge in my gut that maybe I’m living in a state of denial. Oh well, at least I’m enjoying the ride and they still tell me when I drop my wallet.

    Have a great day!

  • This is just another of the benefits of the new positive mental attitude you have taken upon yourself. You no longer think like a victim, so of course the Multi-verse no longer treats you as one.


    Good for You!!!!!

    Well thank you friend titou for the vote of confudence once again. Not that I want a my God is bigger than your God argument, but if God is everywhere, then it stands to reason that everything is but a part of God. By giving you a choice, you can choose how and when and where God can interact with your life. This is how I have looked at things for a long time, and have rarely been disapointed.

    Would it be helpful if I shared that I sometimes use the terms Multi-verse and God as being the same thing? Well, make that most times… no, make that all the time, for you are God, and I am God, and that person who would hurt you is also God.


  • Purse, wallet, all ID, Asthma meds, etc. It took hours to figure out where I had been. Turned out they found my seniour’s card, contacted them and got my phone number. I left it on the back of the chair at the coffee shop. An honest person turned it in~completely intact. wow just when you wonder about people, a good one comes along.

  • Well done and thanks for posting. Once again, I wish I could subscribe to Morpheus’ belief in that cognizant multi-verse where we can effectively inoculate ourselves against skullduggerery. I really do. But I’m afraid (key intro there, no?) that even admitting that one’s belief certainly contributes to the life one leads, the best I can honestly say is that I try to nurture belief that there is a balance in the world and the ‘multi-verse’. Beyond that, for me anyway — I begin to be troubled with self-doubt and criticism for my ‘magic thinking’.

    I like to think of Providence, or faith if you like, as a safety net which makes walking on a tightrope easier to do with some grace. I try to smell the roses and ignore the precariousness, acknowledging the found wallets as well as bemoaning the lost or stolen ones. Then I feel more like I’m part of the world rather than trying to rise above it or being crushed under it.

  • My wallet disappeared while shopping. Months later I got a call from the NY State Police that they had it. Someone was caught using my drivers license.. Everything was intact except for the cash.

  • Haha ew.. WalMart :X. Since everybody else is telling their story, I might as well tell mine. I was at a hip hop show, and I was right up front. I dropped my Ipod right in front of the stage and I couldn’t get it because there was a little wall blocking the fans from trying to get to the band. Well, my favorite MC picked it up and gave it to me. LOL. Best. Show. Ever.

  • No but one week after I arrived in California I dropped my wallet at a gas station. It had every last dollar I had to my name in it. GOD THAT WAS SO SCARY!! Someone had picked it up and drove off but I guess once they saw my Ohio license they felt bad and came back. Luckily I was still there looking for it. They gave it back to me and nothing was missing. Thank you Jesus lol

    Two days later, I was at the grocery store and stopped outside the store to use the ATM. I accidentally left my ATM card inside the machine and didn’t even realize it until 20 minutes later some man walks up to me inside the store and says “Are you Lindsay”? And I was like “uhh…yeah”, lol. And he was like “here’s your ATM card”. Oh man!!

  • no, but i did lose my wallet in a packed music venue (about 20 kids) once and the next day a friend who i did not even realize was there came up to me with it. thought the odds of that were pretty amazing. he said he stepped on it and was shocked to open it and see it was mine. he hadn’t known i was there either.

  • o.O

    Such a thing can happen? Well, it’s nice to think it could. It might. But, no, I haven’t. Knock on wood, I’ve never lost my wallet.

    @T- that’s cool, dude =)

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