My tank is a 55 gallon, heated to around 24 degrees. A little background would be that i have treated for ick awhile back and i have had to remove two neon tetras recently for what i believe is neon tetra disease(when i treated for fungal infection nothing happened, they just continue to get worse)

Iv had it running for about 4 months and i have not had any issues with the tanks levels(nitrate,nitrite,ph,hardness etc). I recently did one of my weekly gravel vaccuum and after that my nitrate and nitrite levels spiked a bit and the tank had had a white cloudy look ever since that i cant seem to get rid of. I lost a clown loach and a angel fish a couple days later. I soon got thoes levels back in control with frequent water changes and a waste control chemical and everything is good accross the board now but im still losing fish all the time it seems.

In total i have lost 2 angels, 2 clown loach, blushing bride, black tetra, silvertip tetra. I keep a close watch on the tank and i dont see any fighting, the dead fish bodies dont show any unusual marks. No fish show any signs of sickness. Fish eat blood worms, granuales and flake food(not all at once, small ammounts 3 times a day) One thing i would like to mention is that my bio-fiber piece in my filter is very clogged and due to the fact that i cant change them without harming the tank the filter is pumping half the water through the filter and some spills out and doesnt get filtered. I have no idea what to do, what could be going on so if anyone has any idea please let me know, i have some prized beautiful fish in that tank and i do not want to lose them all. this tank means so much. Thankyou.

3 angels

2 mollys

2 plecos

6 guppies

2 tinfoil barbs

2 cherry barbs

2 clown loaches

2 zebra loaches

2 yoyo loaches

1 eel loach

1 blushing bride

1 black tetra left

1 glow tetra left

3 painted tetras

Yes im aware it seems like a lot but most are within the 4 months old range and are very small, tank is going to be seperated into 2 when the issues are under control. largest fish is a pleco at 4 inches.


✅ Answers

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  • Your tank is super overstocked, the stress is killing them off. The water quality sensitive fish are dying off first because the ammonia cannot be kept down. I’m surprised the angels haven’t started fighting with some of the tetras/barbs.

    You need to restocked with EVERYTHING. I don’t know why splitting the tank in half would change anything at all it would just stress them out more, they don’t have any room or territories to claim.

    If you enjoy this tank you would do what is best for the fish which is find them new, better homes and do some serious researching before you restock that tank.

  • Hello,

    I think you probably have problem with the water fitration. I do not understand anything from the types of fish you have so I can not comment on how well your tank is stoked or if the fish is stressed out from it.

    For the water what I would do is add more filtration. If you do not want to buy a new filter just add one. I have been trying to handle a 55 gallon tank that has a terrible problem with poop because its housing a turtle together with fish… /tank is not mine/. Iam able to deal with the problem somewat /meaning no fish is dieing and the water finally is clear/ by adding a 2nd filter which is for 30 gallon tank and is internal filter. So total filtration I have is 85 gallon on this tank. I would love to double it, and that is what i think you should try doing with your tank. The filter you are using and the problem it is cloged is easy to fix, you need some water from the fish tank and then just wash the sponge /bio fiber thing/ into that water, it will not harm the bacteria on it.

    In general may be listen to what the others said and try to take some of the fish out and see how the tank does with more filtration and less fish. If you could add any live plants in it, that could help too.

    I would feed fish only 1 time a day and when you vacuum the gravel do not vacuum all of it but just part, I usually do half every week on a water change.

    thats all I can think of right now. Try it and see what happens. From personal expirience though fish will die when they are too many in a tank, and they will keep dieing untill they balance their number. I mean lets say the maximum fish you can keep in there is 5… and you have 25 all the fish will keep dieing till it is only 5 fish there and if you add any extra every time you do it, fish will either get sick or just die… So my advise is right now, when you have fish dieing do not add new fish at all, and possibly take some out to see how that works out.

    Good luck

    One more thing is that I always do 50% water change, if you have overstoked tank you may wanna do 2 water changes a week of about 30% or if you do not have the time then do 50% 1 time a week

  • Not necessarily, stressed fish tend to fight a lot and their signs are obvious for it, lack of appetite, awkward swimming, the fighting and so on. You should get another filter, to help that water circulate better and also clear up that water. Also, did you add the necessary bacteria? (The one I use is Api: Stress Zyme+)

    For the future, your plecos and Loaches will need a bigger tank, not the tank separated into 2, those need space and places to hide in when they grow up.

    Source(s): Fish Owner

  • It relies, are your fish completely happy? If they are, it’s an art, a passion, and a pet. That was once a pretty deep query… P.S.: There are some fish that do like being petted, it rather is dependent upon the fish’s character (no shaggy dog story). I’ve heard of a group of Dojo Loaches that might let their proprietor pet them and even swim to her hand to be petted. Nosoop4u

  • 24 degrees is freezing; it should be between 68-76 degrees. Make sure you are doing routine water changes, and keeping water clean. I had a really hard time keeping tetras, my pleco kept eating them, bullying them to death

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