How can I move on, I dont want to hurt anymore?

So this guy Memo, and I have become extremely close. We both have major crushes on each other and we flirt like crazy, he kissed the top of my head once. On a scale of one to ten, we like each other an 8. but theres one problem…

He has a girlfriend

Now I know this sounds bad, and I’ve told him to stop. I dont want to undermine there relationship at all, she makes him happy, and I know that. But he told me that he feels horrible that be cant be together and I made him cry because he felt soo bad. He said he would have asked me out if he were single. How do i handle this?

1 Answer

  • sounds like a playa, Tell him to break up with his girlfriend, or your out of the picture. You can’t let him drag you alone like a little toy.

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