How do I get my parents to let me have a hermit crab?

I really want a hermit crab but my parents keep saying no! I have fish already so they know I can take care of a pet. I would pay for them and everything but how do I get my parents to say yes?!?!?


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  • unless your parents are willing to invest over a hundred dollars to set up a proper crabitat with more than one crab (crabs need to be kept in groups) i would tell you to give it up … if you are after a critter keeper with bright coloured sand and painted shells on the crabs, i hope your parents actually stick to their “NO” … hermit crabs are exotic pets that require a specialized environment in which to live … in captivity, kept properly, they can have a lifespan comparable to living in the wild (over fifteen years) but when bought by little kids in critter keepers, they barely live a year … and that year is a brutal slow and painful death for the crab so you can entertain yourself … hermit crabs are nocturnal which means active at night when you are sleeping … are you going to set your alarm for four in the morning to “play” with them ??? because to disturb them during the day is very stressful for them … and in fact they are really a hands-off pet, completely not suitable for kids …

  • Keep at least two hermit crabs. I feel that since you have fish, it is better not to keep other pets, lest your attention is spread thin. If you really want to convince your parents, perhaps you can find a short and simple article for them to understand about hermit crabs first?


  • Tell them their lifespan is very short. So you will get over it very soon.

    Parent usually don’t want you to spend so much time on it but rather you spend your time studying. So show them you are studying alot (at least fake it)

    Used to buy them like 10 cents for the small ones and 20 cents for the larger ones.

    Biggest problem is when it grows, you have to find shells for it else it will die. Their body is like super soft and curly. Think before you get them else you will make them suffer.

  • don’t smell

    low maintenance

    you’ll take care of them

    you’ll pay for everything

    you could make them a powerpoint or letter about info, why you want one, ect.

    hope this helps (:

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