how do i have control on my longboard ?

Whenever i ride my longboard downhill, the faster i go the more i lose control, my board keeps moving side to side over and over again. how do i get control of it?


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  • Thats called speed wobble. Its pretty common for inexperienced longboarders. here are a few tips.

    1) Stay relaxed. when you tense up you tend to overcorrect each wobble, making them worse.

    2)keep most of your weight your front foot, and try to keep your front foot as close as possible to the front truck.

    3)Keep your trucks loose. (i dont mean stupid loose) But loose enough to make an emergency swerve if needed.

    4)Make sure your back truck is slightly tighter than the front truck. This makes it act like a car, turn in the front but not the back.

    All these will help, but the best thing for wobbles is experience. Dont skate above your skill level. its just asking to get hurt. Wear a helmet and good luck!

    Source(s): downhill longboarding for 3 years

  • you need to take vast huge carving turns if u snowboard kinda like while u r getting to understand while u make vast s turns yet yeah in simple terms take it quite slow then progression to tight. ShaPer turns

  • idk

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