How exactly are vending machines affecting today's economy?

Now that vending machines are making and selling a variety of products, will they replace people with jobs, and thus having more jobless people on the street?

All in all, do you think it will effect the recession???

This is for my project, please leave a source 🙂


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  • you know its kinda funny you mention this, i heard a few years ago that McDonalds was going to go to basically a vending machine kinda route. I have friends that live in chicago where McDonalds is based, they had an oppertunity to go check out McDonalds idea. They sd they walked in and went to a computer screen, ordered their food, pd for it, then waited about 4 mins and it came out on a conveyor belt and they had no interaction with employees. My buddy sd that he asked the person that showed them this if everything was automated in the back, the lady told him that she couldnt go into detail but they were working on a way to where the food was prepared by machines and the only employees that would be needed would be ppl to clean the machines and monitor them, and then another one or two to clean the store. Now I just spent bout 30 mins searching this and couldnt find anything to say they had decided to do that, but if they do, i would consider that a vending machine store. A while back McD’s did team up with redbox and did a vending machine with them they called it something like a convienience store vending machine, but they pulled the plug on it. Around where i live we have a cell phone company called IWireless, they have vending machines you go to and buy phone card for you cell phone, also redbox has the movie machine. They are all over, and someday i personally think that that will be the way we operate, here is an article i read bout automated machines taking over


  • Electronic machine wont to disperse a product to a shopper once a definite quantity of cash has been place into the machine. peddling machines square measure usually wont to disperse beverages and snack things, however in recent years corporations have introduced peddling machines that disperse alternative things, even as well as electronic things like digital cameras or iPods.

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