How to care for baby bird with broken leg?

I found a little baby bird , possibly a raven, when I was walking home from the library yesterday. It was just in the street and I love animals so I couldn’t just leave it to get hit by a car. I wrapped it in a towel and brought it home. I put it in a cardboard box with warm towels, bird seeds, water and a bed. It is eating and moving a lot more. I wanted to take it to the vet to get its leg wrapped but my parents said it is too expensive. So what should I do. I don’t want to put it back in the open while it is injured. Is there any way I can help it’s leg? Can I wrap it myself?


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  • birds can and will survive with one leg. i wouldn’t worry about trying to fix it he will be perfectly fine with one leg . keeping him and feeding him is up to you . i would keep him a couple weeks and then release him once he is able to get around that’s just me . also remember that this is a wild animal and may act like one when older

  • Microwave or boil 1/2 coffee cup of water. Then add a palm full of dry cat food and let stand/soak for 20-30 minutes until soft. Stir vigorously with a fork or blender to break apart into thick wet mush. Place mush into corner of plastic bag and cut that corner of bag with small hole. Place open corner of bag into the back of the birds mouth while slowly squeezing small amounts of mush out of the bag. Allow the bird to swallow and do not feed quickly. You will be able to see the birds gullet filling after the food slides down it’s throat. If the bird doesn’t feel the warm food in the back of it’s mouth it won’t seek to eat it. Make small quantities of food as it won’t be good for more than 8 hours. The bird WILL overeat, so be sure to only feed about a teaspoon-tablespoon at a time at every 2-3 hours. The bird will get it fluid from the soaked cat food. Good Luck! We have mastered saving baby birds here in Virginia 🙂 The leg may heal on its own if kept in a very small area to avoid much movement, such as a very very small box. This will need to represent a nest for the bird.


  • Contrary to what Ping says, birds with broken legs do not have to be euthanized. [email protected] was right about how some can survive fine with one leg, Sam was also right about splinting it, & homeschoolbabies gave good advice as well. I am a wildlife rehaber & I currently have a robin who came in with a broken leg. Fortunately, it healed very well on its own & is perfectly happy & healthy & just about ready for release. I also have another who came in with a broken leg who has had to be splinted because he just doesn’t seem to be doing as well as the other. Basically, it all depends on the bird itself & how you want to handle the situation. PK’s advice was a bit off the mark like Ping’s was. If done properly, an injured bird can be cared for, heal up, & be released & go on to live a normal life in the wild.

  • The hen wishes antibiotics to outlive. Cat’s saliva includes pasteurella micro organism which is deadly to birds. If this bird does no longer get vet support in the first 24 hours it will die. Name natural world rescue or an animal shelter or a vet.

  • The bird needs to be euthanized. You don’t try to save birds with broken legs.

  • take it to the vet they put them to sleep for free you cant keep this bird because when you set it back into the wild it will not know what do and die anyway …

    Do the right thing and let it go

  • use a Popsicle stick and some medical tape. straighten the lag as much as you can. Tape the Popsicle stick to the leg to keep it straight. change the warp and clean the leg 1-2 times on a weak.

    I hope i helped, if you want more info PM me.


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